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Later the same day, Georgie had been left for work and as y/n had the day off she started organising the garage a little more.

Except she did a little bit the started feeling woozy and had to lay down.

It might have been pregnancy hormones but she grew upset realising what her life has come too.

"Hey," Georgie said as he entered the garage, unexpectedly. He was holding a bag of groceries.

"Hi," y/n said, not sitting up from the bed.

"You okay?" Georgie asked, concerned and put the groceries bag down. "What's wrong?"

Y/n took a breath "I've messed up everything, my life, your life, our parents lives and I had to drop out of school and now have to spend my college fund on this baby." She ranted.

Georgie immediately came and next to her and hugged her, y/n did hug him back.

"My life is just so screwed up, my parents aren't talking to me, who else do I have?" She continued.

"Me." Georgie said. "I'm trying."

"I know you are," y/n said, "you're the best part of my life right now,"

"Thank you," Georgie said and hugged her tighter,

"And I peed in a sink last night." Y/n started sobbing again into his shoulder.

"I'll fix this," Georgie said over her shoulder.


Georgie asked his grandmother if y/n can stay at her house, though he loved having her stay with him he knew she would be more comfortable with her own bed and bathroom in a actual house.

"Thanks for this," y/n said, bringing her stuff into Connie's spare room.

"No problem at all, stay as long as you'd like, you don't even have to leave." Connie smiled. "Bathroom is down the hall."

"A bathroom!" Y/n said, happily.


"Here you go, scrambled eggs, bacon, biscuits and freshly squeezed orange juice," Connie said, the following morning as she placed y/n's surprise breakfast in front of her.

"Thank you so much," y/n said, grateful.

"Where's mine?" Georgie asked, as he had came over to see how y/n was in the morning.

"You're not pregnant she is," Connie argued.

"I'd like to think we're pregnant," Georgie said looking at y/n.

"Did you spend all yesterday morning throwing up in that toilet sink?" Y/n asked him sarcastically taking a drink from her juice. "Do you feel and look bloated and gross?"

"No, dear," Georgie said and y/n rolled her eyes at the nickname.

"You do not look bloated and gross, y/n." Connie said quickly, "you have the pregnant lady glow, you look fantastic."

"Thanks." Y/n smiled, "I feel terrible but good to know I look alright."

"I still don't see why I don't have breakfast." Georgie brought up again.

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now