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I'm gonna raise their grade to the 10th, so it not weird. Miranda and you will have the same mom but different dads.

Your pov

Val: Dad, I'm ready
Dad: ok, honey. Let's go
Val: k, I'll meet you in the car

You were moving in with your mom cause you dad was moving to Mexico for his new job. You didn't want to leave, so your mom said you could move in with her and your siblings.

You and Miranda had a pretty good relationship.

Miranda promised that once we started school that I could hang with her, charnry, and Stevie. And you weren't gonna turn that down.

After the car ride to your mom, you saw Miranda waiting with a big smile on her face. You got out of the car, ran, and hugged Miranda. Your mom comes out, and you hug her.

Your dad was getting everything out of the car.

Mom: Your bedroom is ready. Miranda decorated it for you.
Val: Thank you, Miranda
Miranda: No problem, Val

Miranda walked you to your bedroom

Val: Miranda. I love it... thank you
Miranda: I'm glad you do

You both walked out and went outside to help your dad with your bags.

Dad: ok, sweetie. I have to get on the road now.
Val: already?
Dad: Yeah

You and your dad hugged. After a while, you let go. You went to the car to make sure you got everything. Once you got everything, your dad gave you one of his necklaces.

Val: Love you, dad. Good luck. Have fun. I'll call you before bed.
Dad: Love you, sweetheart.

Your dad left, and you started crying. Miranda came over and hugged you.

Miranda: it'll be alright, Val

You and Miranda had gone to the garage and invited charney and Stevie over. You guys were chilling on the couch when the garage door opened.

Charney: Hey, sluts
Stevie: Hey
Val: hey girls
Miranda: hey

You and the girls hung out for a while. After a while, the girls went home, and you and Miranda went to bed.

The next morning, you got up and got ready

You went to Miranda's bedroom to see if she was awake.

Val: You up?
Miranda: Yup. I was just about to wake you up

You laughed and went downstairs to see your mom making breakfast.

Val: morning mama
Mom: Good morning, sweetie. Is Miranda awake.
Val: Yeah. She's coming right now.

Miranda walked down.

M: Good morning, mom
Mom: Good morning

After you got done eating and your mom took you guys to school.

You walked in, and Miranda took you to the office. Since she was a grade above me She had to go. I got my schedule. And walked to first.

Val: Hey. Mr. O, I'm the new student. My name is lottie.
Mr. O: oh, right? Class, this is Valantine. Valentine, you can sit in front of brant. Brant, raise your hand

Brant raised his hand, and you sat down in front of him.

You felt a tap on your shoulder, so you turned around.

B: Hey
Val: Yeah?
B: Do you want to sit with me and my friends at lunch?
Val: Sure
B: Sweet

Time skip.

You saw Miranda and told her that you were gonna sit with someone for lunch.

M: ok, we're gonna be in the bathroom.
Val: OK, I'll be there soon
M: k, see ya
Val: Bye

You walked to the lunchroom and saw brant. He noticed you and waved you over. You walked over and sat next to brant.

He put his arm around your shoulder. You took his arm and put it on his lap.

Val: Not so fast, Brant
B: My bad, Ma

Time skip

Maya: Guys... guys after school I'm gonna bitch out brant and dustin

Val: she's gonna get her ass kicked
You whispered to the girl next to you and she agreed

After school

Val: I'm gonna stay for the bitch out
M: ok I'll meet you at home
Val: Bye
M: Bye

You got to the lot and stood by Dustin.

Maya and brant started "fighting"

It was lowkey boring until Maya said

M: You midget peice of shit. You have and Aardvark dick. AND THAT'S WHY YOUR DAD DIED.

When Maya said that my jaw dropped.
I walked up and hugged brant

Val: Hey, why don't you come over to my house for a little while. Dustin and Alex could come if you want. We could all watch a movie. Or hang out with Miranda.

B: I'd like that
D: Yeah, I'll go
A: I'll go too

You got to your house and went to your room with the boys.
Val :Pick a movie. I'm gonna change.

You got changed and walked to your room. And heard the boys freaking out.

Min: What's going on?
The boys: NOTHING!

You saw the case they had in their hands.

Min: Oh God.
B: Why do you have this?
Min: idk I got it a while ago
B: Val, can I talk to you
Min: Sure

You both walk out of your room

Val: So what's up
B: I like you. But so does Dustin and Alex
Val: Oh, uhm. Maybe we should talk about this... Yk with all of us there.
B: Uh yeh

You guys walk into the room

B: I.. Uh told her
Val: You guys chill.
D: So... Are you gonna pick anyone?
Val: As of right now, no
A: ok

Soon later, the boys changed into clothes they brought.

V: So, where yall gonna sleep
D: The floor
A: Uhm, I'll sleep on the floor too
B: With you
V: Uh, ok. Ima head to bed. Good night, guys
Tb: night

Brants pov

I couldn't sleep knowing that all of us liked her and that she most likely would only pick one of us

Dustin's pov

I feel like she's gonna pick brant

Alex's pov: she's probably gonna choose Dustin

Your pov:

I think I might choose all three. But how would that work? Ugh, I'm so confused!

You all ended up drifting to bed

Miranda's sister 》PEN15《Where stories live. Discover now