Dad- I mean Tony!

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If your username is Burger_Simp You are not allowed an opinion, and are asked to stop reading my books. Being related to you was the worst mistake of my life.

  Peter was swinging around, happily doing a duet with Karen. He had finally finished making the code to allow Karen to sing, and it was horrific. "Spider-Man, Spider-Man," Peter started.
  "Does whatever a Spider-Man can,"
  "Can he climb?"
  "No he can't,"
  "Because Mr. Stark-" Ironman then landed on the roof, right behind Peter as he finished his line. Unfortunately, Karen likes embarrassing Peter.
  "Is a killjoy." Tony lifted his faceplate, and gave him a questioning look. He then had to explain that he updated the suit and AI, then also explain that those updates included removing the tracker, removing the 'training wheels' protocol, as well as the 'Babysitting' protocol, the protocol that made Karen call Tony if he was hurt. Peter expected Tony to be mad, but he wasn't. Or, not too mad. "If you make Karen call me before you pass out, I'll leave it. I was here because Fury wants you at the tower." With that, Peter grabbed onto the back of the Ironman suit (with Tony pretending FRIDAY didn't tell him) and they flew off the the tower.

  "I'm going to need you to sign the Accords, and reveal who's under the mask." The Pirate stated with authority.
  "No can do, sir."
  "Can confirm. I am not letting you leak his identity to the public." Tony crossed his arms and glowered at Fury from his place on the couch.
  "We still need you to sign the Accords."
  "Didn't it say only adults could sign?" Peter asked, before webbing himself a web hammock. The two were smug, steadily angering the director of SHIELD.
  "Oh, yeah. It did say that, didn't it, Cyclops?" Clint walked in, wearing a Legolas shirt Tony had ordered for him. Clint always took Peter's side on these things. Peter was glad—it meant no more questions and demands from Nick Fury. Clint had subtly signed to Peter, asking if he could be 'webbed' up next to him. In no time, the two were sitting on web hammocks, disobeying Fury.
  "He is definitely angry. Look at that Furyous face." Peter pointed out, and Clint started laughing his head off.
  "Did you break Clint?" Natasha Romanoff asked as she walked in, then noting Fury, and flipping him off. Safe to say he was not happy, and Nat retreated to a web hammock.
  "I swear I'm going to break those hammocks, and destroy all of the Spider's Web Fluid." Fury grumbled as he walked out, defeated.

  Peter was glad that when he woke up, he was only greeted by Tony, and not Nicolas. "The old man knows Peter's route." He heard Clint say, in a deeper voice than yesterday.
  "Can't he go a different way, then?" It was Bruce, the man he'd met many times.
  "Fury would change his course, in a way he can 'run into' him." Nat didn't look up from her StarkPad. Peter found an empty couch, and did the Vector-Slide™︎ down to the conversation.
  "What are we talking about?" He semi-slurred the words from how tired he was. Tony looked at him, mock disappointment and amusement glinting in his eyes. At this point, Peter hadn't had any caffeine, and was still drained from the night before.
  "You can't go Spiderman-ing tonight, or for a long time." Peter should have taken longer to decide on what to say to his legal guardian.
  "Dad! Queens can't afford to not have Spiderman out there! I need to be out there!" Tony didn't register what Peter said, and blurted out his thoughts in front of the child he adopted.
  "It's safer to stay here. If it matters that much to you, I'll do it in your absence, but there is no way I'm letting my son get hurt over something easily prevented!" Peter then sensed danger. An alert directed to the lot of them. He stopped arguing entirely, and listened intently. Everyone noticed this, and stopped, too. FRIDAY spoke up.
  "Sir, there are SHIELD agents are advancing." Peter and Tony looked at each other.
  "Should we just compromise with him? He gets your identity, and tells no one."
  "Yeah, sounds good."

  When Nick Fury exited the elevator, he saw the Avengers and Peter sitting in web hammocks. Luckily, he came alone, so Peter shot him up into his own web hammock. "There you go. You know his identity. You're not going to tell anyone and you'll let him get away with not signing the accords." Nat had been told to not threaten him verbally, but her tone, though it seemed nice, and welcoming, made Peter's skin crawl, even though he wasn't the one being threatened. Having almost everyone in their suits, weapons out, might have persuaded the director further.
  "Fine." He bit out.

  Peter was drinking his hot chocolate on the couch next to Tony, who was drinking his 4th coffee, when he remembered what exactly he had said in that argument. He was going to let it go, and stop thinking about it, when FRIDAY brought up a video on the TV.
  A videoclip recorded by FRIDAY. It changed slides.
  Sent to the Father-Son pair by:
    Bruce Banner
    Natasha Romanoff
    Clint Barton
  The clip showed the argument from the just before Peter called Tony 'Dad'. To make it worse, they added subtitles. Even Clint, the half deaf man, agreed that you can't read a movie. It just doesn't work. It's awful. Tony looked at the kid he'd called his son, and he shied away.

Peter's been adopted! I'm going to try other stuff, like Peter being Y not's biological son! (Tony backwards is his personality)

So, here is a list of last words for my book characters!

See you next time! Should I have a name for my followers??

-That1Green-Guy_Elfo 3AM

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