2. The Guilt

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After a long breather, Yunho and Wooyoung dared to show their faces again. Wooyoung huddled into himself as if he wanted to crawl into the nearest crevice, but Yunho was eager to learn about the mission. Once they sat with Jongho and Mingi and shared some sodas on the workbench, Wooyoung relaxed since San wasn't nearby.

Though he deserved an explanation. The major part in Wooyoung wanted to postpone it for as long as possible. Maybe he could make Yunho his excuse?

Wincing when he noticed he acted like a child, Wooyoung focused on their conversation. Jongho was friendly to greet Yunho and shared their delight to have found back to each other. Mingi leaned against the table with his arms crossed, but he heard them out.

"Yunho asked about my plans for this mission. We would like to stay together," Wooyoung explained. He wouldn't let go of Yunho again, never.

Vigilant to the expressions on Wooyoung's face, Jongho nodded.

"We still accept you on the team. Yunho is, of course, welcome to join us." Jongho glanced up at Mingi. "It's fine, right?"

"We have space," Mingi shrugged. As always, they made every decision together.

Relieved, Wooyoung turned to Yunho.

"You will like it once you hear what we are doing."

Yunho played with his can. His smile would follow Wooyoung anywhere. If this was the safety they sought, he would much prefer it over splitting up.

"Indulge me."

It took some time to summarize everything to him. They took him to meet Seonghwa and answered all of his spontaneous questions that were endearingly similar to the things Wooyoung mulled back then. His curiosity healed Wooyoung's soul. Hearing his marvel refreshed everyone's enthusiasm about Mission Bluebird. By the end, they giggled at Yunho's perpetual smile.

"When can we leave?" He asked straight away. His arm was wrapped around Wooyoung's shoulders, dwarfing him. Fond, Wooyoung leaned against his chest to look up at him.

"You're down?"

"So down. I want to see the skies. We promised," he reminded Wooyoung. Though both of them said it light-heartedly since they knew of no method to remove the clouds, that dream suddenly became a reality. They could reach utopia and Seonghwa was the key.

Jongho beamed at the two of them, exposing his gums.

"Glad to hear it. In that case, you are invited to come along. I can't believe I got both of you and San in addition! Where is he?" Jongho looked around and Wooyoung bit back his comment not to speak of the devil. San had every right to be here. And he had every reason to glare at Wooyoung.

"Let's catch him up and depart tomorrow. We have water, Yun. Do you want to take a bath?"

With eyes as big as saucers, Yunho stared at Wooyoung. He snickered when he tugged his companion to his feet.

"A bath?" He didn't trust his ears. Jongho shooed at them.

"Yes, yes, great idea. Get some rest and we will leave tomorrow. Mingi and I will pack some more provisions. No worries, Yunho, we have it all taken care of. The car will bring us anywhere."

In sheer marvel at everything they built in this awful world, Yunho stumbled along on Wooyoung's hand. His giddiness was infectious and Jongho looked after them with a smile before the door fell shut to his whisper at Mingi how happy he was for the two raiders.

If only he knew. Wooyoung's heart was still in turmoil, as much as it appreciated Yunho's presence.

They made their way down into the cavern, and Wooyoung found back to his glee. When he imagined Yunho's reaction to their pool, the strain around his heart unraveled.

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