Hagari ran outside with Doris and sire and blue. The little 4 children looked at the oasis and hagari turned to her cousins.
"We should go swimming!"
"I don't know. Let's ask grandpa!" Sire said and they all ran back inside and stood in front of Denym and Judah who were talking about getting more guards for the kingdom.
"HI grandpa! Hi cousin. "
"HI sire." They both said. The men looked at the children and sighed.
"What is it?"
"Glad you asked ! Can we go swimming?" Sire asked happily with her eyes wide with joy.
"I don't know granddaughter. Who will watch you?"
"Cori can!" Hagari said grabbing the guards hand. Denym looked at his daughter and back at the cousin's.
"Papa pleeeeeease." Hagari begged.
"Alright then tell your mothers."
"Yes!" They all said.
"But you don't know how to swim." Aria said to blue. "Neither does Doris or sire."
"I can teach them !' Hagari said happily her tan gold skin glowed with her puffy curly hair. Hagari was the oldest by a year with sire as the second.
"Promise to only swim in shallow water." Michelle told them.
"We Promise. "
"If you're too scared don't go In the water alright?" Summer told them and they all nodded.
"Be careful. And be back in 3 hours 30 minutes early. " Morissa said and they all nodded. "Where's our hug." The children all hugged their mothers and were off with the lunch basket the ladies made for them.
"Bye daddy!" They all said passing their father's. They all waved good bye.
"Reminds me of us." Judah told kalvin.
"I can't agree more. " kalvin answered chuckling.
Corrice watched the children discuss the lessons.
"OK Gari the youngest first. " Sire said . Hagari took blue's hand. The boy stepped in and hagari didn't let go of his hand as they held their breaths under water.
"Your turn si and Doris. " hagari encouraged. They copied and corrice applaused. They laughed.
"Cori join us!" Hagari shouted.
"You guys want me too?" Corrice asked feeling special and they all nodded. Corrice got in and they all swam and played in the shallow water as promised. Blue saw a shiny chrystal on the steep Water and he really wanted it for his mother. He swam to it and his grabbed it from the seaweed he saw what seemed to be a rock formed into a crocodile. He swam away screaming. Corrice swam towards him grabbing him as the crocodile snapped almost grabbing her legs. The girls swam to them throwing rock's at the crocodile.
"Take that!" Doris shouted. She threw it at his head and the crocodile swam towards her.
"Uh oh."
"Oh no you don't!" Corrice said and she tussle with the crocodile telling the children to swim to shore. Hagari didn't want to leave her neither did the children.
"Find a very big rock!" Hagari ordered. They all swam to the bottom and grabbed a stone as big as a tree stomp. Sires wolf strength and the help of her friend's got the stone to the surface.
"On three!" Blue said as corrices leg got bitten.
"3!" They all shouted pushing it into the crocodile making it crash into the mountain. They all went to corrice and Doris started to cry.
"What do we do now guys? She's hurt bad." Doris sobbed.
"Someones gotta get help." Hagari said staying calm. "Blue...Doris go ." The children swam to sure and instantly ran back to the palace.
Morissa was worried for them and so was aria.
"They'll be fine my love. " Denym said kissing her cheek.
"YOUR HIGHNESS!!!" Shuba shouted. Everyone ran to her and they saw the two children breathing harshly.
"Doris baby where's sire and hagari and corrice?" Morissa asked .
"Corrice got bit by a big crocodile. And she's hurt a lot. Sire and hagari are protecting her. " blue said and Morissa and denym ran to the creek together. They saw the sight and jumped in the water hurriedly pulling the children to shore with corrice.
The children watched the doctor with Morissa denym tay'vaughn Peter and aria. Malcom dashed in picking up his son glad he was safe.
"Will she be okay doc?" Morissa asked afraid of his answer .
"She's very lucky. Especially to have these little protectors right here. After about 4 months she'll fully heal only if sge stays in bed eats the diet I give and takes the medication while doing exercises for the strength of her leg and arm's she'll be back to protecting you guys real soon. " the doctor said walking out and heading to the next house .
"Daddy." Sire whispered to Peter.
"Yeah baby girl," Peter asked rubbing her hair.
"Can we say a prayer for her?" Sire asked and he nodded. Corrice was grateful for the kingdom they were her family.
When the Fireworks begin.: Season 3 Denym & Morissa
Adventurecan't wait for the adventures of these two!