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Diamond was sitting in his house, stuffing berries into his mouth as Lax dumped a plate of rolls into it's mouth and setting the plate on the table. Pearl was sitting across from him at the table, holding a small black box.
"Are you sure I should do this, Dia?" Pearl asked for the millionth time.
"Mmph. Hm? Sorry, I was munch(laxing) on a couple of-"
"DIAMOND! NO MANZAI RIGHT NOW!!" Pearl whacked him on the head with his paper fan thingy. Diamond had never actually bothered to find out what it was actually called.
Pearl winced as Diamond fell backwards onto the floor.
"You alright? Sorry about that!"
"I'm Poké-ay-ay-ay..." Diamond groaned.
"Lax! Munch, lax!" Lax shook Diamond, glaring at Pearl.
"Sorry, Lax! I'm just really..."
"Really tensed up?" Diamond finished, picking himself up off of the floor as the doorbell rang.
Chimler patted Pearl on the back, who moaned.
"Do you think Platinum would really-"
"I would really what, Pearl?"
Pearl threw the box into the air. Diamond and Platinum both looked up as it hit the ceiling.
Pearl snatched it out of the air and stuffed it into his jacket pocket before Platinum could see.
"Why were you throwing that box into the air?"
"N-no reason!" Pearl replied a little too quickly. "Just... Something for our manzai. Yeah!"
"I always thought Dia was the gag man in your comedy duo." Platinum frowned.
"I am, Missy!" Diamond chuckled, fidgeting with the edge of his hat.
"So then... Ah! Perhaps you two are switching roles for a while, at least?"
"Yeah! A little Switcheroo!" Pearl cut in hastily.
"Was that a reference to the Pokémon move Switcheroo?"
"Yeah...!" Pearl laughed hastily.
"Ha ha!"
"DID YOU JUST LAUGH?" Pearl jumped out of his seat, pointing at Platinum.
She quickly arranged her face into a neutral expression. "No, I did not."
Pearl, Chimler, and Chatler glared at her for a couple of seconds before turning back to the table.
"Wow. We sure are rather immature, for 22 year olds." Diamond commented, stuffing another berry into his mouth. "Ooh. Oran Berry. Yum."
"Well, the whole gang's here. What now?"
"Perhaps we could go relax at the park?" Platinum suggested.
"Good idea. But this time, we're taking the long way. I'm not having random people pop up and demand a comedy act or a battle every 3.5 seconds." Pearl stood up.
Not many people liked to take the long way to the park, which was why Pearl liked to take it as much as possible to avoid trainers demanding battles. He'd never exactly figured out why HE'D become so popular in Pokémon battling. Manzai, sure, yeah. Diamond and himself had become one of the most recognized manzai acts in the whole WORLD, in fact. But he'd always thought Platinum was more of a battle legend.
Maybe they thought he was like his dad, the Tower Tycoon of the Battle Tower in the Sinnoh Battle Frontier.
"So, we go, play around a bit, talk to some random people, eat, eat, eat, practice some manzai, maybe, eat, battle, ea-"
"DO YOU EVER THINK ABOUT ANYTHING OTHER THAN EATING!?" Pearl whacked him upside the head furiously.
"Pearl! I thought we had agreed you would stop doing that!"
"I never agreed to any such demand!"
"Well... I DO like eating." Diamond shrugged. "So, we'll eat, eat some more, practice more manz-"
"PEARL!!" Pearl jumped as Senior Ruby's face appeared on his orange Pokétch.
"What does Senior Ruby want?" Platinum frowned.
"Well, let's listen. This looks like it was pre-recorded." Pearl tapped the screen as Diamond and Platinum gathered around.
"Look, I don't know when you'll get this, but hopefully, it won't be too BZZ-"
"Fuzzy, much?" Diamond commented. The screen kept fuzzing out.
"Late! You NEED to get out of Twinleaf. I don't know ho-BZZ-w, but you NEED to! Nana, Bite!"
"Is he fighting something?"
"Surprisingly, yeah." Pearl blinked.
"Well, he must be pretty Worked Up if he's fighting something." Diamond joked.
"Sorry, if this is fuzzy, BZZ but you NEED to! I can't explain why, but you need to tr-"
There was a high-pitched scream in the background, followed by the roar of a Pokémon.
Ruby's face paled, and he looked up from his PokéGear. "Sapphire!!"
Before he could run, Pearl saw him get knocked to the ground by a hooded person.
"Hmph. Dexholders. Take them away!" The person shouted.
Ruby groaned. "Who... Are you...? Do y-"
The person kicked his head, knocking him out, before taking his PokéBalls and returning his Pokémon. "I'll be keeping these." The hooded figure then noticed the PokéGear.
"Hm. Trying to record it, huh?"
The last thing Pearl saw on the screen before it blinked back to normal was an M-shaped symbol.
Platinum blinked. "Was that the Magma symbol?"
"I thought Ruby and Sapphire had ended the organizations in some sort of crazy Kyogre-Groudon-Rayquaza battle when they were 11." Diamond commented lazily.
"Well, the organization obviously reformed."
"Yes, like us."
Pearl had barely whirled around before a glowing blue light surrounded Diamond and flung him against a tree.
"Dia!" Pearl and Platinum yelled at the same time.
"I'm fine...! I think..." Diamond groaned, rubbing his head.
"Heh, heh... You thought your seniors were lying? I'm afraid they were correct."
Pearl and Platinum spun around, and Diamond struggled to his feet.
The people were unfamiliar, but the symbols on their uniforms and the uniforms themselves were unmistakeable.
"Wha...!? Team Galactic!? I thought you had disbanded a decade ago!" Pearl yelled angrily.
"Once isn't enough." The hooded person replied. "Go, Crobat!"
"Empoleon, help me out!"
"Stunky and Muk! You better not let me down!"
"Chimler! Chatler! Get out there!"
"Go, Solosis and Raticate!"
"Um... Lax and Tru! A little help, please?"
"Crobat, Toxic!"
"Empoleon, use Metal Claw!"
Empoleon's flipper solidified into steel, and the Toxic attack slammed into it, slightly dissolving the metal. Empoleon jumped back next to Platinum.
Pearl glared at the Stunky. It looked like it was drawing back a breath, and the Muk had it's arms raised - or what could pass as arms.
"Chimler, counter with Mach Punch! Chatler, intercept with Aerial Ace!"
As the Muk released it's Sludge Bomb, Chimler slammed it's glowing blue fist forwards, sending sludge flying everywhere. Chatler spun into the Poison Gas attack, sending wisps of purple smoke evaporating into the air.
The hooded figure laughed. "Pearl, correct? The Sinnoh Dexholder with the ability to predict a Pokémon's next move by looking at their body language?"
"Don't think we met." Diamond commented. "Lax, Fling!"
"Counter with Psychic, Solosis!"
Lax threw it's Iron Ball right at the Solosis, but it stopped in midair and fell on the ground. Lax ran over, but got picked up and started getting thrown all over the place.
The battle dissolved into chaos. Pearl could barely see the others in the fray. He only heard their voices calling out commands.
As the battle dragged on, he managed to score a few hits on the Stunky and Muk.
For a split second, he thought they were winning.
Then at the end, it went all wrong.
"Crobat, Air Cutter on the Torterra!"
"Empoleon, block that with Hydro Pump!"
"Stunky, use Night Slash!"
"Chatler, Mirror Move!"
"Raticate, Scratch!"
"Tru, Dia-Mach-One-And-Only-!" The leaf slashed the Solosis before Diamond finished his command.
Chatler and Stunky crashed into eachother, Chatot's talons and Stunky's claws glowing midnight black. Sparks flew as they clashed.
Empoleon jumped in front of Torterra and shot a high-pressured stream of water at the blue blades of wind slashing through the air, but wincing as the Raticate scratched it's claws across a raised flipper.
"Empoleon!" Platinum exclaimed. "Use Blizzard!"
"Chimler, Chatler, duck!" Pearl yelled, diving to the ground as the Solosis shot a Psybeam over their heads and a white blast of snow barreled through the road.
Pearl lost sight of Platinum and Diamond in the flurry. He could hear yelling, battle commands, and-
A high-pitched scream pierced the air.
"Platinum! Chimler, Flame Wheel!"
Chimler spun, surrounding itself in fire, clearing the snow away.
One of the grunts had a knife pointed at Platinum's throat. Her PokéBalls were in the hooded figure's bag.
Dia was stumbling to his feet a couple of yards away from Pearl, leaning against Tru. Pearl jabbed a finger in Platinum's direction. Diamond looked up, and he opened his mouth.
"Not one move, or the girl gets it."
The color drained out of Pearl's face.
Before he could do anything, something hit him in the back of the head.
"Ugh..." Pearl dropped to his knees on the ground.
Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Chimler and Chatler running over, but they both disappeared in a flash of red light.
"Wha-!? Give me back my Poké-"
He was hit in the head again. Harder.
The last thing Pearl heard before passing out was Platinum and Diamond's shouts.


Hello people! :)
What do you think of this prologue to a pretty bad sequel that nobody will probably bother reading to a book that most no one has ever bothered to read in the first place because it's that bad? :)
Anyways, I was thinking of doing this in 3rd person POV instead of first person POV, but I dunno.
Comment what you think!
P.S.: There will, sadly, be some romance among the PokéSpecial characters.
PLEASE do not kill me if I don't use your "ship".
I'm just going with the ones I THINK make sense.
Continue shipping what you ship. That's your complete right.

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