Is This A Bad Time? (Slight Edits)

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I left Y/N's apartment beaming. I always love the time I spend with her. She's so sweet and so caring and so amazing and I love her so much. She has always been there for me and I do not know what I would do without her. I mean we have been best friends for years. I would always want to protect her no matter what.


I get out of my trance and start paying attention to the news. 'A new murder huh?' I should add this one to my notes. I have been writing about the first 4 murders prior to this one. It may seem a little crazy but I am convinced I can solve these murders. I am totally not doing this because I want to make sure Y/N is safe and protect her.

I walk up to my desk and grab my laptop. I then open my laptop and look at the notes I have written down so far.

Town Murders
1) Smith Family
•first murder of a family of 5
•they all had their kidneys harvested
•signs of forced entry

2) Hannah Anderson
•was said to be very paranoid
•was looking into the mythical creature of Slenderman (???)
•convinced the creature was coming after her
•shot in her home

3) William Brown
•was also looking into Slenderman
•was also convinced the creature was coming after him
•was shot
•found in the woods

4) Wilson Couple
•went hiking and got killed in the woods
•they were found without any eyes
•throat was slit as well

Now I can add the murder of the Miller family in my notes. First I'm going to have to search for more information about this murder. I honestly believe that these murders are all connected through the mythical being of slenderman. I may sound crazy but I just know that somehow I'm right about this.

'Miller Family Murder in (T/N)'... 27 matches found. I click on the first result, 'Murders in (T/N) and how they're connected!'. 'That seems interesting, maybe they have the same theory as me', I thought to myself and started reading.

' As we have all seen there has been a series of murders in (T/N). Many believe that it is a coincidence that these many murders are happening in one town but they are connected. I believe the being known as Slenderman has been using multiple people to murder others for his deeds. This is because- '

The screen turned black. "Huh? What the hell, my laptop was totally fine a few moments ago", I say to myself. "Why is it broken now?". I groan and flop my head down on my desk annoyed. The laptop turns on again. "Oh perfect it's working!", I say excitedly.

I look at the screen and it looks different... I don't know how to explain it but the home screen, it's different, it's off. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. I'm just gonna think about it and ignore this weird feeling. It's as if something really bad is going to happen soon

I sigh and focus back on the laptop in front of me, the screen keeps on flashing images of Link from Majora's Mask but he looks different, his eyes are red and the sclera is black. He seems sinister... Now I definitely know my anxiety and paranoia was for a reason, I mean it's not every day that a creepy demon thing is in your laptop! I grab my laptop and shut it. "I am not trying to deal with this today, I am just trying to live my life without having a haunted laptop".

I turn around to go grab something off my bed and I hear a vibrating nose. "Huh?", I said out loud and turned around again to face my laptop. It is shaking and I can see steam coming out of it. I keep on looking at the laptop, mortified , unsure of what will happen next. It suddenly slams open and I see the evil looking creature, man..? I'm not sure but all I know is that I see him in more detail now.

He seemed to be in his late teens maybe around, 18-19, he had long shaggy blonde hair paired with pale skin. His eyes were a scarlet shade with a black sclera and he is wearing a green hat with a green shirt of the same shade he has a leather belt wrapped around his waist and it is paired with brown pants and brown boots. His face has a sinister expression on it. There is blood dripping down from his eyes and he has a wicked grin on his face.

The man disappeared from the screen for a second and came back on it again. He is coming closer to the laptop as if it's about to come through it. He reaches out and I can see his pale, slender fingers coming out of the screen. The screen warps around the area where he is coming out and I turn around and run not wanting to see what will happen next. I decide to run to my kitchen hoping to get a means to defend myself.

I look at the items in my kitchen before quickly grabbing a steak knife. I held on to it tightly ready to defend myself. I look down at my hands and see they are shaking, whether it was from fear or adrenaline I have no clue. I look up and see the man 6 feet away from me, I step back in fear hoping to distance myself from him, he chuckles slowly and looks me dead in my eye.

Startled, I scream in fear and drop the knife. "What's the matter, you're scared?", he asks in a deep voice. "I-...", I trail off unsure on what to say. "I am going to take that as a yes", he smiles sadistically at my fear. "Why are you here?", I ask, my voice wavering, he then replies, "I am here to get rid of you". "You know too much and he has told me to exterminate you". My eyes widened in shock and my breath hitched, "Who is he..?". "The operator", he grins at my reaction.

"Is he the one behind all of this?", I ask fearfully. "Bingo!", he says grinning, "I'm not supposed to tell you that although it does not matter since you will be dead when i'm done with you." He darts towards me and grasps my shoulder. "I'm not usually the one to do all the dirty work", he chuckles as a man walks out of my room. "That is why i'm here", the unknown man grins while holding a giant knife.

The unknown man was pale with long jet black hair and a Joker-esque grin carved into his face. He was wearing a bloodstained white hoodie paired with skinny black jeans that were slightly ripped, he was also wearing athletic sneakers with the outfit. The knife was held tight in his hand and I looked into his bloodshot eyes. The blonde man was holding me and I started thrashing around fearing for my life.

All my movement started knocking things down in my kitchen but I stopped when I felt that I got electrocuted. I stare at the other man with tears in my eyes, head hung low waiting for my demise. The man grabbed the knife that was once lying on my kitchen floor and plunged it into my chest.

I gasp as I feel the knife repeatedly being plunged in and out of my chest rapidly. The other man, who was once holding me down, drops me on the ground and they just watch me. The man with the knife made sure not to hit any vital areas so they could watch me die slowly. I start coughing out blood in an attempt to breathe again but I cannot.

Between shallow breaths I try to say something, "Y- Y/N-...". "Huh what are you yapping about?!", the dark haired man asks. I continue, "I-I'm sorry.. Y/-" I was unable to finish saying her name because I took my final breath and died on my kitchen floor, alone.



"Ugh, I haven't been working here for a week but I'm already dreading going", I groan as I get up. I have time to take a shower since I set my alarm earlier this morning so I go do that. Once I'm done with my shower I put on my uniform and go downstairs to eat breakfast/drink coffee.

I have an hour to spare so I start looking at my phone. I decided to text Des since I haven't heard from them since yesterday when they left my apartment.

8:01 A. M : Hey! Ik ur prob not awake but I just wanted to check on u

8:02 A. M: Hopefully you took my advice and stopped being so nosy you worry me sometimes

I send the two messages and sigh mainly because I'm bored and I don't know what to do. I guess I should start heading over now since I have nothing better to do. I grab the keys to my car, walk out of my house, and start driving over. Honestly, I don't want to see Tim today. He kinda creeped me out. But, he was cute so that was a bonus, I guess.

Hopefully nothing too crazy is going to happen today. I start pulling into the parking lot of the diner and park in the employees only area. I get out of the car to start heading towards the diner. 'Today is going to be a good day!', I think to myself while looking at Tim and another man in the diner. 'Hopefully..'

Ch 2 End
(1641 words)

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