The Gentle One Pt. 2

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Lay was his name. You couldn't bring yourself to talk only you were shocked to see he was actually real. Only difference is he had blonde hair, black and white jacket, and black skinny jeans. Lay waved his hand in front of your face.
"Hey, are you okay?" He asked. You blinked a few times then finally started talking.
"Oh sorry. I'm just surprised that's all." You responded.
"Yeah you look like." He smiled showing his dimples. "What's your name?"
"_____. Nice to meet you." You held out your hand to shake his. Lay took your hand and shook it, suddenly you both felt this sudden shock in your head. Lay quickly moved his hand away.
"What was that? Did you feel it?" He asked looking at his hand then back up to you.
"Um, yeah. That was really weird." You said. "So, what do you play?" You changed the subject.
"I play guitar but mainly the piano. Do you play any instruments?" He said making his way to the grand white piano. You followed behind him.
"No I'm just here with a friend. He's checking out right now actually." You looked over and saw him and Lynda chatting about the different guitars. Lay looked over to the direction you were looking.
"Seems like he has his hands full chatting with Lynda." Lay said.
"Or flirting." You looked back at Lay. He sat down on the bench then opened the piano. He looked up at you and patted the empty seat next to him.
"I know we just met but I feel like I know you from somewhere. Sit down next to me."
"Oh trust me." You sat down. "I'm not from around here. I'm just here for school and I'm starting next week."
"Really? So am I. I moved from China to come to school in South Korea. What are you going for?" He asked playing the piano a little bit.
"I'm just here to study the language. I told my mom how I wanted to learn Korean and she said the best way to learn is to go the country itself. You'll learn it faster." You explained.
"Yeah that's true." Lay started playing the piano. You suddenly remembered the song he's playing right now. It was the one he was playing in your flash. As he was playing, the piano started to glow and so was the room. Everything was bright and empty. You suddenly ended up in the room you had a flash about but only you and Lay we're sitting next to each other by the piano. He was still playing the piano and looked at you.
"Do you remember this room?" He asked.
"What? What do you mean?" You looked around, confused.
"This room." He looked around. "Is your room on exo planet. This is your castle. Outside is your kingdom, crystal falls. The members are your protectors of this kingdom." He explained still playing the piano. You stood up and walked over to the window and look out. He was right. This is a castle, a huge one. You look up to the sky and saw the huge crescent moon that is close enough to the planet you could touch it. You looked down and saw the grass was blue from the light of the moon and the trees were made out of crystals. The moon gave them a gorgeous shine, everything looked so beautiful. You looked back at Lay who was still playing the piano.
"This song I'm playing now is your favourite. I composed it, it's called crystal tears." He said. "I played it for you one day for the first time and you loved it. There's times you call me in to play it on the piano." He smiles. "I just wish you remember everything when the time comes." Then everything went bright again and you and Lay ended back at the store on the piano. He stopped playing then looked at you. Chanyeol saw you and quickly came running to you and grabbed you by the arm and picked you up.
"Who the hell are you?" Chanyeol snapped pushing you away. Lay stood up and looking at Chanyeol and bowed.
"My apologizes. My name is Yixing but you can call me Lay." He looked at Chanyeol. "I was only showing her a song I wrote a long time ago."
"Chanyeol calm down. He's one of us." You stood between them blocking Lay from Chanyeol.
"What do you mean one of us?" Chanyeol said in a confused tone.
"I mean he's wolf like us." You looked at Lay then back at Chanyeol. "He took me to a place that I never knew about till now." Chanyeol pushed you over a little bit then walked up to Lay looking in his eyes.
"So, you're a wolf too, huh?" Chanyeol looked at Lay up and down.
"Hey guys, if you're going to fight take it outside now. This stuff is too expensive to replace." Lynda came over interrupting them. "Or I'll force you out and you know I don't like doing it to you, Chanyeol." You looked at Lynda and asked, "how are you going to force them out?"
"You didn't tell her, Chanyeol?" She sighed. "I'm a witch. Surprise surprise. Oh and yes I know you guys are wolves so keep it on the down low, okay?" She explained patting your shoulder. Lay moved away from Chanyeol and picked up his bag.
"Well, I'd like to stay and chat but I have to go." He said stepping out. You ran after Lay stopping him.
"You can't go. Join the pack with us. Or unless you have your own pack." You begged. Lay looked at you.
"I don't have a pack. I'm my own group, though it would be nice to be part of the group." He tapped his chin.
"You sure you want to?" Chanyeol said coming out of the store. "We only have three in the pack right now and our leader is back the dorm cleaning or something."
"I wouldn't mind it. We need more people." You added.
"Okay I'll join you guys." Lay said and you cheered.
"Do you have powers?" Chanyeol asked.
"Yeah it's healing and I already know you guys have it too." He points at chanyeol. "You have fire." Then to you. "You have controlling thoughts. And the other member has flight, am I right?" He said.
"Yeah you're right." Chanyeol said shaking his head in approval. "You're really good after all. You'll come in handy when it comes to battles." Lay laughs showing his dimple you start to love. Then suddenly Lynda came running outside to us.
"Guys I need your help. Something is wrong with my boss. He suddenly passed out on the floor." She said trying to catch her breath. Chanyeol looks at me then to Lay.
"Must be a creature. Is this your first time fighting?" Chanyeol asked. Lay cracked his knuckles then looked at the store with a grin.
"Since last week. Let's go." He ran inside opening the door with chanyeol behind him.
"You stay out here, Lynda." You said.
"No I'm going to fight as well. This is my store and no body messes with it." She walked inside. You sighed and walked in behind her. Lay and Chanyeol was down next to the boss examining him. Lay checked his pulse to see if he was still breathing. Chanyeol looked up at Lynda them to me.
"His breathing is really slow." Lay stood up. "He's dying really slowly." Chanyeol opened the boss's eyelid and saw his eyes are turning green. Chanyeol stood up backing away.
"He's changing to a creature slowly. Get ready to fight, _____ and Lay." The boss opened his eyes then slowly rose up with a growl. He turned his head around to you then pointed at you with his sharp claws.
"You~." He growled then stood up and walked towards you with razor sharp teeth poking out. Chanyeol shifted then ran towards him but the creature looked at him and hit Chanyeol so hard he flew back and hit the guitars shelf and broke them. Lay shifted and quickly hit his head on the side of the creature and made him fall down with a few broken ribs. The creature laughed then grew bigger. He raised his hand getting ready to slap Lay but You shifted then ran to the creature and rip his arm off before he hit Lay. The creature screeched in horror and fell on the ground, rolling around. You threw his arm on the other side of room and ran to Chanyeol.
"Hey, are you okay? Wake up." You licked his wound then he stood up almost falling over and you both walked over to Lay.
"Ready to end this?" Lay asked you and Chanyeol. You both nodded and then ran after the creature. Chanyeol throwing fire balls at him and you and Lay destroying his body altogether. After the battle, chanyeol, you, and Lay shifted back in human form. Chanyeol looked at Lay and said, "not bad. You're pretty good after all." Chanyeol started walking but then fell on the ground holding to his side. You came to him on the floor touching his back.
"Did the creature hit your side?" You asked.
"Yeah. I think he cracked my rib actually." Chanyeol said groaning from the pain. Lay came to him and touched Chanyeol's side. He flinched a little.
"Relax. It'll hurt a lot if you move so don't." Then suddenly a bright light was coming from Lay's hand.
"There you should be better now." Lay said helping Chanyeol up.
"Yeah that feels a lot better. Thanks, man." Chanyeol said patting Lay's back. You stood up and looked around the room.
"Uh guys. We really destroyed this place." You said.
"Don't worry I got this." Lay said stepping in the middle of the room then suddenly, he took a deep breath and held his arms out. There was little bright spheres floating around him then they fleeing around the room and repairing the instruments. You watched in amazed of how he managed to fix everything. Lynda stepped out of the office watching the little spheres fly around fixing everything. She shook her head in approval then lean back against the door smiling.
"This is amazing."she commented. Then the little spheres went back to Lay and disappeared.
"There you go. Brand new." Lay said looking back at you and Chanyeol.
"Thank you so much, Yixing. I appreciated it a lot." Lynda smiled.
"Your welcome. I recently learned it." He explained walking over to you and Chanyeol.
"Yeah you're definitely what we need in the pack." Chanyeol put one arm around Lay's should then yours. "Let's go back to the dorm and make some amazing kimchi jjigae." Chanyeol said walking with his arms still around yours and Lay's shoulder.

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