Toji Fushiguro | Daddy issues

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Warnings: abuse in the past, alcohol, smoking, this will also have an big age gar between Toji and the reader(you are 17 and he is in his early thirtys), this is also a kind of lime at the end

If you don't feel comfortable while reading something like that please skip for your own good:)


"My childhood... I don't remember anything about my childhood", I told my therapist.
"What about your mother?", she asked.
"She was violent and I've been growing up being afraid of her, exspecially when she drunk alcohol", I respond, then I noticed she was taking some notes. "I see", she mumbled.
"What about your father?"
"There's not much to say, because he was never there, but he was an alcoholic too", I spoke.
"You mean, he left all of you?", she asked again.
"No, he was there but always working, he didn't care about me", I answered annoyed.
"How did you know he didn't care about you?"
"Because he never showed me he cared about me?!", I almost yelled.
When it comes to my father I'm feeling always a lot of anger.
"What do you think of him?", she asked me again.
"Oh common, can we just stop?", I requested.
"No, you are in therapy because I want to help you with your family issues", she explained.
I sighed, "In my eyes my father is weak, that's all", I continued.
"Why do you think that?"
"When my mother was hitting me, he didn't say anything, he just watched his child getting abused", I told her with no expression, but inside of me I felt all the pain about trauma.
"You told me once your mother had a strong personality, maybe he was afraid of her", she said.
"Are you fucking trying to defend him?!", I yelled and stood up.
"No, I didn't mean that but-"
"He just watched me getting hit by my own mother, he was never mentally there, he blamed me for his stupid problems with my mother!", I cut her off by yelling the shit my father has done to me.
"M/n... please calm down, I'm just trying to help you, you have to understand that your father made mistakes in the past but-", I cut her off again while walking out of the room and accidently slamming the door.

I'm the last patient from my therapist, so now it was getting late.
I took a look at my phone too see what time it is.
"Almost 8 pm", I thought to myself.
This sounded like a great time to go the next near by bar in the city.
As I made my way to the bar I put a cigarette in my mouth and a lighter out of a pocket from my black jeans. I lighted up the cigarette and started to smoke it.
It immediately made me calming down, I know that people wouldn't understand when I'll tell them that I only smoke and drink alcohol, because nothing else worked for me. The therapy was supposed to help me, but my therapist didn't helped me at all. In my eyes she made everything more worse by literally trying to defend the people who hurt me the most. I might just couldn't get along with her.

But my anger immediately flew away as I sat down in the bar getting an alcoholic drink next to a man, who looked at me up and down. To be honest he was handsome, I mean really handsome , but he probably was much older than me as only a couple years. This black haired guy with a scar on one side of his mouth looked like he is in his early thirtys. As he noticed I looked at him, he gave me a smirk and I looked immediately away from him.

"Aren't you a bit too young to drink?", he chuckled.
"I drink when I fucking want to", I answered as I took a sip of my drink again.
"I see... I'm Toji, what's your name?", he asked me then.
"I'm Y/n", I told him.
"So Y/n, how old are you?"
"I'm seventeen", I said.
"Interesting...", he spoke as he continued to drink his alcoholic drink.
"You know, I've been a lot of times in this bar, but I think I've never seen you before", Toji said.
"I'm here in this bar for the first time", I respond.
"Two shots, please", I said to the barkeeper, then he gave me the shots and I pushed one shot to Toji.
"For me?", I nod as answer.
"Well, thanks", he thanked me.
He drunk the shot and it seems like he noticed that this was a really strong alcohol.
"How the fuck can you even drink those?", he asked confused.
"I don't know, they taste good", I said as I drunk my shot aswell.
"I wish I could have handled such a strong alcohol in your age", he told me then.
"My parents were both alcoholics, so I know I would end up like this", I laughed ironic and he raised an eyebrow.
"So, you parents don't mind that your getting drunk in a bar you've just found", he asked as he tried to understand my situation now and I sighed, because it felt a bit weird to talk about the shit I went through.
"No, I left them when I was fifteen", I explained with no expression.
"I understand..."

"Two whiskeys please", he ordered and then Toji handled on to me.
"Why?", I was kinda confused.
"The best way to handle all the shit you went through is to trying to forget it", he tried to smile at me and I smiled too.
"Then, thank you", I thanked him.

And soon we were both getting drunk and he started to put one of his veiny hands on my thigh and rubbed it a bit, but I noticed he could obviously drink more alcohol more than me, we talked about a lot of stuff I might won't remember tomorrow, but in this moment I didn't cared about anything or anyone beside this handsome and taller man next to me, this between us didn't felt like he is just a stranger I met a couple hours before, this felt like I've been knowing him for years. I didn't really know what I was even talking about, but I must have flirted awkwardly with Toji.

"Your so handsome, if you just were not that young I would totally take you home with me", he whispered seductive in my ear as I smiled and started to touch him a bit too.
"You know what? Just fuck it", he said as he kissed softly my lips.
"Oh and did you know that I like older man~", I whispered in his ear back while putting my hands to the collar of his shirt and pulling him closer to me as I caressed his cheeks.
"What about you come home to me then?~", he whispered seductive in my ear and I nod with a smile as he paid for the drinks.
Outside of the bar he took my hand.
"I don't leave far away from the bar, we can walk", he told me as he put one of his arms around my waist.

As we arrived his apartment he opened the door and dragged me inside, where he pinned me against his wall and shout the door.
"So, you told me you like older man?", he whispered and I nod.
Then he started to kiss my soft lips with passion and went down to my neck where he left marks.
"That sounds like you have daddy issues, huh?", he mumbled.
"Well, I heard that often", I cuckled, because I didn't know what I'm even talking about. He continued kissing my neck, which made me slightly moan.

"I think I know perfectly how I can handle your daddy issues", he said against my neck, but I pushed my head immediately in the other way, he was suprised and had a worried expression.
"Yes?", he replied.
"I don't think I want to go further than this", I said in a kinda sad voice, my moodswings are honestly the worst when I'm drunk.
"That's okay, I would prefer to do this when we're sober", he smirked while placing a kiss on my forehead.

I felt like I couldn't walk, because my body felt so damn weak.
Toji layed me then on his huge bed as he layed down next to me and we both were falling asleep.

As I woke up I noticed that Toji wasn't there next to me and I wanted to stand up, but my head was hurting so much, so I layed down again while putting my hand on my forehead.
Then I saw Toji coming in with wet hair and fresh clothes, he probably took a shower.
"Are you alright?", he asked.
"I have a headache".
"That didn't suprise after what happend yesterday", he chuckled.
"I don't know what the fuck happend yesterday", I groaned in pain and he smirked.
"You don't have to", he answered as he gave me some medicine.
"Take these, then your headache must be probably gone soon".
"Thank you", I thanked as I immediately took them.
"I have to ask you this question, because I might remember something from yesterday", I said a bit confused.
"Then go ahead", he answered as he sat down on the bed.
"Did you actually just said that you know how to handle my daddy issues?", I asked.
"I've said that, but honestly you are not the first guy who liked me and is literally the half of my age, so I know how to handle them, because I made some experience", he told me then.
"Okay, I understand", I mumbled.
"Don't be like that", he said as he caressed my arm, "I don't care about anybody else besides you right now".
I smiled as I kissed his lips softly and I could see he was smiling into the kiss.
The kiss started to get a bit more passiontly and he went then down to my neck, leaving marks there again, but I still got marks from yesterday.
"I know how to handle your daddy issues, I'll give you the attention you need, I'll tell you how proud I'm on you when you do something great, I'll treat you better than anyone else you've met", he whispered against my neck.

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