Bloopers and behind the scenes PT1

44 3 2

Out loud talking: ""
In their heads: ''
Radios: <<>>

Today is as normal as any other day in the world. Well as normal as it can be considering how everyday has something different in store. Today is like one of those days but with an extra twist to it.

Right now our story takes place on a group chatting platform known as discord. We are looking at a specific server known as "Downneck's Bizarre Server Adventures". Cool name right, I agree considering how I am in this server. This server is like any other server chaotic, sometimes disorganized, and horny cough. Of course this server is amazing but we are not talking about the server oh no we are talking about one of its members.

KMS Himmels is the nickname but most people call him himmels, himms, or himmel. Since this is a RP server he's known as a shota funny shit I have ever seen. But of course he's one of many people who brings life to this server. But, today something interesting happens to him.

Right under the person who plays as him a portal opens and suck the person in surrounding him in pitch black darkness. After a while a portal opens up in the sky as the person comes falling down shouting.

"GIBBBY!" Before slamming into the floor as laughs are heard all around as someone shouts from in the distance sounding as if they were trying not to laugh.

"Cut! Fucking god damn it Himms," The person who spoke was the director of this fine story that is going, "Everyone back to your places!"

Everyone was still giggling and laughing at what Himms did.

Take 2

"Ugh what the, what happened," He looks down to check himself and notices his body has changes' "what the, what happened to my body!"

He quickly got up and stumbled a bit cause this new form wasn't the same height. As he looked down he notices something interesting.

"Wait why am I in my profile characters body?" He questioned to no one in particular before a sound of somebody falling and shattering is heard as the camera points over to Bell who accidentally dropped his plate of food.

"My bad guys the plate was very hot," Multiple facepalmed while others chuckled as Bell continued, "Can anyone give me a mop or some paper towels!"


"How, when, why," starting to question as he gains a headache, "ok um how did this happen, where am I, and why am I a shota?"

He questions no one but himself that was until a voice was heard in the distance.

"Well this is the character you play as in that server your always on." A rough voice spoke from all around.

"Where are you and who are you?!" He questioned the unknown voice with a bit of fear in his voice.

"Question Me will ya, I can kill right right no-" He was interrupted by something that had smacked the voice, while you can't see the slap you can definitely hear it, "ow fuck you slapped neck ya bitch!"

"Oi don't call me a bitch bitch!" The slap was heard again this time harder as everyone started to laugh while the lights turn on showing the voice actors to be Mark and Salem as Mark slapped Salem back as some people go in between them to break it up.


Two bright white and black orbs float in front of him. The white orb has a calming and peaceful aura around it, while the black orb felt dark and destructive. They pulse as the he heard voices talked.

"This is us or well a part of us." The voice of the calming female spoke from the white orb.

"We can only show you a piece of us cause showing you all of us will crush you." The rough male voice spoke from the black orb as Himmel's stayed silent before speaking only to interrupted by a background voice that caused everyone to laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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