What is a Marie?

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Once upon a dream our story begins with an average woman from an average town, her name Marie Randle. Marie was twenty-six years old and had dirty blonde hair she tried desperately to tame. She was on the tall side with broad shoulders and hazel eyes she often hid behind large glasses. Although not particularly skinny or heavy she wore things mainly for comfort and efficiency. Aside from some coverup, blush and a touch of eye liner she wore no make-up preferring to let people see her naturally. Was she special? Not particularly but nevertheless she is the heroine of our story...if you can call her a hero.

Marie never saw her self as a huge nerd but was as close as you could get without being a nerd, she was a fangirl. Her interests included various things from music to books. She generally liked things that were popular decades earlier and had a rather strict policy of not jumping on the bandwagon, at least where music was concerned. Her interests were many and varied. Examples are not limited to but contain Harry Potter, Eragon, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Psych, NCIS, House, and of course Doctor Who. If they were all to be listed here you'd be reading for the next ten minutes. 

Aside from her fandoms Marie had three great loves. One reading. Two her studies of veterinary medicine. And three music, not necessarily in that order. Marie was getting her doctorate in veterinary medicine and was a year and four months from completion, she had been counting. She had wanted to be a vet ever since she was in eighth grade.  She loved animals and found veterinary science incredibly interesting but it was a lot of work. She knew it could never fully satisfy her, not completely at least. 

She was also minoring in music. She loved the way music could do anything she wanted it to. It could bring her to tears, make her smile for hours, and be there when she needed something more than a person could offer. Music could fill the holes she did not know she had. At least that's what her favorite composer told her. Marie plays the clarinet in both classical band settings and in the marching band. She was good but she wasn't a prodigy or anything. She enjoyed it and that's all that mattered.

Reading had been her escape. When the pressures of life were too great she often retreated to a remote part of the school and read. She had a secret spot she could always go to when the weather allowed.  There was an old willow tree by the lake at her school. It was a beautiful spot up among the branches where the wood was large enough so she could sit comfortably and had been worn down enough so that the wood had a softness about it. There was a gap through the branches so she could see the lake and the flowers that almost surrounded it. There was only a small gap where the school had added a small dock that students could jump off and swim in the lake. Mostly students only swam in it if there had been a party that night or at night when they could skinny dip. As far as she knew no one else knew about that spot and she could always slip away and sit there for a few hours for some alone time. 

Marie loves to travel and had lived in several countries before settling in the United States. She had been to over twenty countries and was half English. Not British but English. Marie loved many if not all the countries within Great Britain but she was very proud to be English.  Although she had never lived there half her family was there and she was proud of her English heritage. When Marie spoke you could clearly tell she was American but there was something just a little bit off with her diction and syntax. She often spelt things the English way and used English terminology. Small things like she called the garbage the bin and often could be heard muttering bugger or twat when she was frustrated. 

The last thing you should know about her is that her personality varies with the emotion she is feeling or how well she knows you. I guess most people are that way but unless you'd known Marie a long time you never really knew how she was going to react. She was quite quiet most of the time. If she got nervous, annoyed or didn't understand something she gradually grew louder. If you were her friend she was loud and often carried the conversation. She was often labeled the funny one of the group but you could always count on her to listen when you need her. She was uncommonly loyal, trustworthy, and usually knew what advice to give or what to say. 

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