Chapter 4

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Konoha, Three Days Later

Jiraiya grumbled in annoyance to himself as he strolled down the main street of the village, ignoring the various shops that lined both sides of the massive street. The white-haired man despised returning to the village every time to make his monthly reports, mainly because due to that thrice damned bitch, he couldn't do any research for his beloved book series while he was in the village thanks to those damned seals around the hot springs.

He had hoped that after the Kyubi attack, the seals would have been destroyed and he would be free to peek upon the local beauties once more, but the damned seals remained intact. If anything, it was like the residual chakra left behind by the attack had empowered them and made them even stronger than before to the point that his mere presence near the hot springs would alert the ANBU to his location, regardless of which side he was on.

'Hope that bitch is rotting in hell where she belongs.' The Toad Sage thought darkly to himself. 'At least her bastard child will be useful to me.'

Despite claiming to be the kid's godfather, the man held no real love for the brat in any sense of the word. It was only because of the vague prophecy spoken by the Toad Elder that he was even interested in the brat. Something along the lines of 'A child born of two legends, guided by a mighty warrior shall reshape the shinobi world'. Or something like that, Jiraiya never paid much attention to the actual words, only what it meant. At least to him.

Though it was clear to the perverted hermit that the child in question was none other than his prized student's brat, as the Yondaime had become quite infamous throughout the entirety of the Elemental Nations. He could also grudgingly admit that the crimson-haired bitch had a reputation of her own that had given her a legendary status throughout the lands as well. So, that covered the Child of Prophecy's linage and it was clear that he was to be the 'mighty warrior' that would guide the boy.

'Just need to train the brat up just enough to barely make it to the end, and then being the noble and virtuous man that I am, I will finish what my apprentice started and avenge his death.' The white-haired perverted lucidly mused to himself, imagining his perfect scenario for the boy. 'Women will throw themselves at my feet, begging me to give them children. Even Tsu-hime wouldn't be able to refuse me anymore!'

Granted, he was well aware there was no feasible way for him to accurately predict the trials and tribulations that the brat would have to face to bring about this change to the shinobi world, which is why he had put his plan in motion early on when he released the boy's status to the civilian populace and had let their own fear take over from there. Thus creating his own trials for the gaki, isolating the boy and making him desperate for any kind of attention, be it positive or negative.

Then when the brat had been enrolled into the academy, he had bribed Iruka Umino to hold the kid back as much as possible without it seeming too obvious. Even keeping quiet when his spies had discovered that Mizuki was working for his disgraced former teammate, Orochimaru. Allowing the silver-haired instructor to move around freely, knowing it served his own purpose as well. Due to the mans genuine hatred for the Jinchuriki, even though he hid it well, it positioned Iruka to be able to act as a strict instructor in the academy but a caring older brother figure outside the classroom.

It had come as a surprise to the toad sage when he had learned that not only had Mizuki had been captured but had been severely beaten down by the Jinchuriki, rendering the silver-haired Chunin immobilized. Which had resulted in the blondes field promotion to Genin. When Iruka had first reported this, Jiraiya had thought that the brat had already tapped into the fox's power but those fears were laid to rest simply by the lack of malicious chakra residue the fox would have left behind.

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