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Hey Guys!! This is my first imagine so.. Tell me what you liked or don't liked. Hope you like it :) And sorry for mistakes.


Only 5 minutes to the end" She said to herself. She was at school and they had last lesson for today. „I'm so glad that is friday.I don't  have power to stay here more then one day!"


„Okay, you all can go home now. Have  a nice day!" shouted Ms.Frizzle to them. But nobody listen to her. Actually Some of them already weren't there, some weren't listen and the rest didn't want to listen so... „ Bye Ms. Frizzle, have a nice day too" she said shyly. And there was she. Always guiet, always nice to others ( even if they weren't), always recommend them. Beatrice was just girl with really big heart. It's sad that nobody never valued it. Just her mum at least. She is like her best friend. She can tell her everything and knows that it will be their secret. Unfortunatelly her family life wasn't perfect too. She hated her return from school. School was her place to think. At home she can't even think. Her parents argued everyday and everytime! Like: she leaves house and go to school-fight. Back from school- fight again. In this situation, which were almost everyday, she grab her little bro Stefan to go out. In outside they spend lot of time just chilling. Like playing together, lauging together, jumping, running, singing and lots of other weird things. But they both love it. When they turn back she puts him to sleep and do her duties to school. After she did this she went to bathroom. Just enjoed the warm watter, falling along her back. And now her favourite part of the day. Watching videos her idols. LES TWINS. French famous dancers. The most honest,bravest,talented,craziest, funniest  and amazing guys she knows in her whole life. Her beloved one was Laurent. She just didn't know with which magic he charmed her. Beatrice is crazy to him. She loves when he dance. His moves, face the way he looks. His facial expresions. How he concentrates to it. She loves his relationship with his brother Larry. Like they know what the other one is thinking about. like Jing and jang, tick and tock, black and white, day and night.

If she could she will spend all night on youtube and watch LT video.  But she couldn't. She must workout everyday too. She hates that feelings of full stomach. So she work hard everyday. She like it but sometimes she is so much tired and can't breath. It doesn't matter, it's proof, that she work reall hard, so she is satisfied and that's it. But some of people around may has problem with her body, her healthy eating. They said to her that she is too much skinny,that she must to be careful.But she didn't want to listen to it. She just want to have a perfect body and she think that it's not enough. It wasn't true.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2015 ⏰

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