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Because y/n was now 15 weeks pregnant, she was showing a bit and you could see it through her work uniform as her apron was tight around her waist.

"Boy that's a lot of food," Georgie commented as he was once again at y/n's place of work.

"What do you want, Georgie?" Y/n asked, as she walked to the respected table for the meals.

"I talked to meemaw and she said she's gonna be out of town for a few days." He said, following y/n.

"Yup, she told me." Y/n shrugged and placed the plates on the table with her fake waitress smile.

"Patty melt. Good choice." Georgie said to the man who ordered the patty melt.

"Enjoy," y/n smiled before walking away, Georgie following her once again.

"I'm just worried about you being all by yourself in that big house." He said.

"I'll be fine, Ive slept in my car before, remember?" Y/n reminded.

"What if there's a tornado? Did Meemaw ever show you where her hidey hole is?" Georgie continued.

"Georgie, I'm really busy right now." Y/n tried to shake him off, turning to face him.

"Sorry, I'll swing by meemaws later. Maybe bring some takeout." He said.

"Don't worry, they send me home with left overs."
Y/n replied.

"Great, score me a patty melt." Georgie said.

"I'll try my best." Y/n said, not sincerely.

"I'm gonna go now," Georgie said and kissed his palm before pressing it onto y/n's small bump.

"What are you doing?" Y/n said, as his action surprised her.

"Kissing our baby," Georgie shrugged then smirked, "Do you want one too?"

Y/n gave him a look, "bye bye," Georgie said and patted y/n on the top of her head before walking off.


Y/n was going fine whilst Connie was away. When she got home from work last night she ate her left overs and went to bed.

She had the day off work today and was doing some things around the house for Connie, when—

"Anyone home?!" Georgie yelled as he entered the house

"Yeah," y/n yelled from the kitchen. "Hey,"

"Check it out, I got this video about child birth," Georgie said as he walked into the kitchen. "I thought we could watch it tonight."

"I don't think I'm ready for that yet," y/n said, she was still trying to get used to being pregnant, let alone think about pushing a baby out of her—

"No worries, I also picked up Look Who's Talking." Georgie shrugged. "Which is about a baby who says stuff. So what do you say, movie? Dinner?"

"Last time we did that I wound up pregnant." Y/n said.

"That was a good date," Georgie said, looking down thinking about it. "You think we conceived that night?"

"Stop it!" Y/n said, chuckling and lightly kicked him making him laugh.


𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now