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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈-abby woke up to screaming coming from the kitchen.."WHY CANT U EVER COOK!" she heard ruth yell at her mother n got up see for herself.She walked out n saw ruth yelling at her mother while she's was js standing there tearing.Abby didn't like seeing her mother getting yelled at especially by ruth so she stood up for her."why can't u cook for yourself huh?! not like u actually live here!" Ruth turn facing abby making a fist w his hand."what the hell did u just say?!" he came face to face w abby,then Abby repeat what she said but got slapped across the face but not from ruth..It was her mother..

"don't you ever talking to you're father like that again!" Ruth smiled at abby knowing she couldn't do anything."he's not my f!cking father!" Abby slammed her door shut.She was angry on her mother n for everything.Ruth was yelling not to slammed "his door" abby didn't care she packed some clothes to her backpack n skateboard then got dressed .She sneak out from her window n went back to her "spot" where she waited for the same boy to appear again but nothing..She sat down for a bit but then she heard a crowded coming from thats skate shop.She got up n saw a group of skaters doing tricks.Abby got up n started walking over there,they were showing the crowd cool tricks they knew,They seemed like pros at this,Abby stood in the crown watching them,she had made eye contact w one boy-he was blonde tall n had acne but handsome.He had broke it first bc he almost drop his camera he had.

After a bit the boys went inside their shop
Abby walked in as they sat down on their couch,she looked through their shop n came across a little boy,He was starring at them ,he looked little probably 13? Abby noticed him wanting to talk to them."yk if u wanna talk to them u gotta say something?" he got scared n turn red."uh yeah" he left the shop running away.Abby was confused a bit but then she came across a shirt she like n brought it to the cashier.Where she saw f!ckshit working their."oh shi its u!" abby smiled "yeah its me" "u got anymore by any chance?" "nah not today haha" he frown but then introduced her to his friends calling her the "plug".They all said hey to her n abby notice that one boy w the camera trying not to make eye contact w her.A boy named ray had gave a question to her n f!ckshit to answer which was "would u rather suck ur dads d!ck or fuck ur mom" abby looked disgusting by the question also by fuckshit answer.Then fuckshit told abby to chill w them for a bit.

Abby sat down next to the boy she had made eye contact w,abby kept moving bc she was a bit uncomfortable but eventually she got used to it.She wanted to talk to the boy but was scared bc everyone was there."uh whats ur name?"as he looked at her his face went red n made abby smiled."o-oh its fourthgrade" abby look confused on why that was his name "fourthgrade? werid but mines abby" "thats a pretty name" abby blushed a bit n left it their.Couple minutes past n ray had asked them if they wanted to skate outside.They all went n started skating,fourthgrade was fliming them as they skate.Abby tried doing trick but fell n got embarrassed but they didn't mind.Fourthgrade then started fliming abby skating abby js smiled n  skate until she stop to drink some water.She sat down for a bit n another boy came next to her. "yo im ruben" "oh im abby". "i heard u abt fuckshit saying u got good?" "oh yeah but not tdy im out" "oh damn alr" "hey do yk why they called him fourthgrade?" ruben chuckled a but "bc he's smart as fourthgrader.n they call fuckshit bc everytime he does something cool he say "fuck shit" they laughed a bit "why doesn't ray have one?" "i dunno i guess we never gave him."
"oh alr" then ruben got up to skate more before they went inside.Abby said goodbye to them n walked home,she quickly open her window n snuck back in luckily her parents were sleeping.Abby got her sleeping tent n went snuck out again,this time she went to a little park where she sleeps whenever she runs away.She set it up n sleep their for the night.She had a hard time but she made it through the night safely.

When it hit morning abby packed up her things n went back to the shop but had to be careful on seeing ruth since he likes to walked near the shop.Abby skate over their quickly n went inside.They all said hey to her n fuckshit was still cashier.She sat down by fourthgrade n watch tv.She then noticed the little boy coming in n this time he actually sat w them but they didn't notice at all,They were making jokes abt each other.

Then fuckshit said something-
"yo i got a question,why do they say mexican are lazy?" "why tf r u looking at me for ppl say that shi" ruben yelled. "i hearded ppl say shi it dont make sense to me everytime
i see a mexicans them ***** building n shi" "thats fuck up yo" "i didnt say it i said i heard it the whole point of this game is to not get offended".After it was ray turn to speak "i do have a question for fourthgrade why white ppl js in inlove w they pets like why care so much i-i dont get it" both ray n fuckshit agree "so im a this white girls house right n we chilling then i heard her mom yell down stairs like "omg eric didnt eat his kibble today oh no i think i need to take him to the doctor " so then i asked her why is ur mom feeding ur brother kibble ?Then she turn n go eric is a dog silly" they all laughed."i dont even have a dog a i have a gecko " then everyone starts laughing harder at fourthgrade comeback."u have a gecko?!" abby said. "yeah i do" then ray made fun of his gecko which made him stop laughing."alright i have one-can blackpeople-" rat stop him for a bit so it wont get bad "okay is it cool to br black?" then fuckshit talk abt thats where he got it lookes from."i got another one can blackpeople get sun burnt?" "OH MY GOD" "are u fucking kidding me right now" "seriously i rlly want to know" "u a really dumbass i rlly thought u had  a brain" Then ray had asked stevie  if he thinks blackpeople can get sunburnt "whats are black people?"  they all went quiet but then start laughing.

After ray asked them if they wanted to skate n everyone agreed while leaving abby geard ruben saying "what the fuck was that?" to sunburnt since thats his new name.They skate one the street n abby was next to fourthgrade,they smiled at each other.They skate to a high school where they climbed over the fence.stevie took a while to get down .After they went towards the basketball court where fuckshit n ray moved the benches near them.They skate n messed around while ruben n stevie sat down on one of the benches n abby notice she decided to sit down w them js inscase ruben starts being a d!ck to him.Thats when sunburnt start talking to ruben abt the nicknames n ruben explain why.Until stevie had asked if he can call them as their nickname to which ruben said "i wouldn't call them anything right now.After abby got up n start skating again.She had accidentally bump into fourthgrade,they both laughed n said sorry."u wanna be in my movie?" "ur movie u didn't know ur a producer" he smiled."eh its not rlly a movie its more like a-." "yes i love to be in it" then fourthgrade record her doing some tricks until ray said that their gonna take a break n walked to the front of the school.While being there a "cop" came up to the fence n start telling them to "get out" n "ur not supposed to be here" Then ruben start throwing things which made his mad n they start yelling shit at him saying "ur not even a fucking real cop".He then callef stevie over to help him but ray n fuckshit kept telling him to not go over n that he's js a fake cop.Abby was having super fun w these ppl until she recognized the "fake cop".Which was her stepfather old friend she used to see.
"abby? is that rlly u??" everyone look at her confused. "u know him?" "uh- no.." abby got nervously n fourthgrade noticed he asked her if she was okay n then she got up n start walking behind the school.

Fourthgrade followed her as she left and stop her.
"hey whats up?"
abby start to tear up she was scared of getting caught.
"hey hey what's wrong?"
fourthgrade look at her but she wouldn't look back.He seemed truly worried to he called ray over.
"yo u good abbys?"
"what's wrong?"
ray told fourthgrade to leave then be so they can chat.Ray was trying to clam her down n sat her down.Abby eventually open up to him and ray realized how bad she was in and called fourthgrade to tell the others to tell the cop that "abby" wasnt rlly abby it was another chick.After abby finish ray told her its fine if she stay at the shop whenever,Then the cop had left thinking it wasn't abby.The group came to ray n abby starring at her dripping makeup.They stood their quietly.
"yo u good plug,i mean shit"
"yeah im good fuckshit lets just go"
they all skated back to the shop.

fuckshit was about to go drop off steive ruben and ray off but ray had given abby the spare keys for the shop and some extra blankets.Fourthgrade had asked abby if she was alright here by herself.
"ill be fine thank tho."
"yeah no problem"
"can u lover birds hurry ur asses up i need to go"-fuckshit-
they all left and abby layed on the couch alone and bored so she decided to set up a new board since she fuck up hers.She took one which ray wasn't gonna noticed and start setting it up..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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