I do Believe in Fairies

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"Whoa," I said as I popped a small piece of my cake in my mouth. I smiled as I swallowed the delectable cake. "That's a good birthday cake," I said smiling. "Now," I said as I sat down in the shade of my home in the park. I reached in my tree home, which was just a large hole I chopped and hollowed out in a large tree, and grabbed a small candle and a match. I carefully placed the small candle in the cake, then struck the match against the tree. I lit the candle.
"Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday Cassandra, happy birthday to me," I sang. I smiled.
My dog, Timber, who was actually a wolf puppy, yipped at me. "You're right, Timber," I said. I closed my eyes.
For a better life for Timer and me, I thought then blew out the candle. It smoked for a few seconds, then went out. I pulled it off and put it back in my home. I pulled off a little piece of cake and set it on the ground for Timber. He jumped up happily and began nibbling on it. I laughed and petted him. He licked my hand, then went back to eating his piece of cake.
I looked up at the tall trees on the other end of the park and smiled at the sun setting behind them. Beautiful rays of pink and orange filled the sky and colored the clouds until they looked like cotton candy. I sighed happily and leaned back against the tree. Timber climbed on my lap and laid down. I smiled and began petting him.
Once the first few stars began appearing and the sky began to turn navy blue, I eagerly searched for two special stars.
These two special stars always appeared next to each other. The one on the left being slightly bigger than the other. Every night, even before I was an orphan and a theif, I would always look for those stars, because I knew exactly where the small one led. Neverland. The most magical place where children never grew up. There were fairies and mermaids and pirates, and... lost boys.
"How do I know this?", you may ask. Well, almost a year ago, a boy visited me.
It was late at night and I was living on the streets. I was walking down a small dark alley, my clothes ragged and torn. It was snowing extremely hard and no one was outside. After a while of walking, and trying to find somewhere to get warm, I sat down and pulled my knees to my chest, attempting to contain my body heat, but with no success. I was shivering greatly and my teeth would not stop chattering.
"Are you cold?" A voice behind me asked. I turned my head around and looked at the owner of the voice. He had red hair and was wearing all green, with the exception of a fur cloak.
"A-a l-little," I stuttered because of my chattering teeth. He nodded and knelt down next to me.
"Here," he said smiling as he unclipped his cloak, then put it around me and clipped it back. "Now you won't be cold."
"Yeah, but you'll be," I said blushing.
"I'll be fine. Plus, I have this," he said holding up a match and a lantern. I smiled. He lit the lantern, then left the door just slightly open to let a little heat out to us. "So what's your name?" He asked.
"Cassandra," I said quietly.
"Hmm, that's weird," he said scratching his head.
"What?" I asked him.
"Well, this one time I met this girl, and when she introduced herself, she insisted on telling me her whole name. You're different."
"Is that a good thing?" I asked.
"Yes. But now I'm curious. What is your full name?"
"Cassandra Nicole Julianne Mills."
"Cool name," the boy said. I nodded.
"Thanks. What's yours?" I asked. He smiled.
"Peter. Peter Pan," he said. I raised an eyebrow and laughed.
"Come on. What's your real name?" I asked.
"That is my real name. Here's proof that I am Peter Pan," he said. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small vial of a glowing blue substance on a string, like a necklace. "I'm going to trust you with this. I can tell you're good. Just promise me something. You will never ever use this unless it is an emergency."
I nodded. "Sure but, what is it?" I asked as I took the vial.
"Do you believe in fairies?" He asked. I nodded."This is pixie dust. Blue pixie dust. It's more powerful than you can imagine. Just promise me you won't use it," he said.
I smiled. "I promise."
He nodded and smiled. "Thank you," he said. "I'll see you again, Cassandra!" He said as he lept in the air but didn't come down. He flew. He waved at me, then flew up and away.
"Where are you going?" I yelled.
"Neverland of course! But don't worry. I'll take you there one day!" He said and disappeared in the light of the second star.
*End of Flashback.*
I smiled when the two stars appeared. "C'mon, Timber!" I said as I scooped him up and stuffed the rest of the cake in my mouth. I climbed in the tree and closed the door made of bark, then latched it shut. I climbed up the small ladder I built long ago and sat on a thick branch with Timber on my lap.
"We'll get there some day," I said to Timber. He yipped and licked my face. "Gross," I said wiping it off.
Peter visited me two more times after that, teaching me basically all there was to know about Neverland. We had gotten really close during those visits, since he usually satyed for a day or two. He even helped me hollow out the tree I now live in and make it a little more home-y.
I focused my attention back on the stars, getting lost in their beauty, but, Timber and I were both completely confused when it looked like small stars were coming out of the second star. I looked around and realized I had drifted off into a day dream. It was probably around 1:00 in the morning. Timber was asleep on my lap.
"What the-?" I began but I stopped when the small stars that came from the second star began to come closer. I hid myself in the foliage of the tree as many landed in the park. I stared at them then realized, they weren't stars. They were fairies. I heard jingling and looked at the nearest one. A small girl fairy with blonde hair pulled up in a bun and a dress made of green leaves, with green shoes and itty-bitty cotton balls on the ends. I noticed that the jingling was them talking.
The small fairy had a sachel on her, and the one she was talking with pointed to the tree. She nodded and I scooted back into my home and hid. She flew up to my teee and looked around cautiously. When she decided the coast was clear, she took the small leaf sachel of and set it down gently. She nodded approvingly and flew off. I guess she was finding a safe place.
Me being the super curious recently thirteen-year-old that I am, I just had to see what was inside. I quickly yet carefully stuck my hand up to the small sachel, then snatched it and pulled it back in the tree. I smiled as I opened it, but that smile disappeared when I saw what it was. It was pixie dust. Just like what Peter had given me, except this was yellow pixie dust.
Because I was still the curious me, I stuck my index and middle finger in the dust, scooping it up. I brought it up to my face to inspect it, and probably did the dumbest thing I could. I inhaled some. Then, I sneezed. The dust floared around, then some disappeared. As I recovered from my magical sneeze, I cut myself on one of the very rough edges in the tree. I yelped but slammed a hand over my mouth.
"Ow," I said holding my wounded arm. Then I realized, in my haste for silence, I had knocked the sachel over, causing all the dust inside to fall out and float around in the air. Some came down to my arm and fell in the cut. (I know it's gross but there's a reason.)
I gasped as more and more came in, then healed the cut. "What the heck?" I said. I looked down at Timber. He just yipped and chased his tail. Typical. I pulled out the vial of pixie dust Peter gave me long ago and pulled out the cork. A little flew out, and I shoved the cork back in. The blue pixie dust mixed with the yellow pixie dust. I stared with wide eyes since the pixie dust floating around gave the illusion of stars inside my home. I smiled.
But then, some of the pixie dust mixture flew in my eyes. I expected it to sting, but it didn't. In fact, it seemed as if the dust in my eyes was attracting the rest, until soon the entire mixture was absorbed in my eyes. I picked up my small little compact mirror and looked at myself. My usually dull green eyes now sparkled like diamonds and were the color of emeralds. I smiled at them, then put the mirror back in my small satchel I kept attached to my belt. (Picture attached.)
I peeked outside to see if anything exciting was going on concerning the fairies. I sighed when I saw nothing was, but I could've sworn I shrunk some. I shrugged and looked back outside. It looked like the fairies were changing the seasons or something. There it was again. It felt like I was shrinking. I quickly looked over at my little reddish brown wolf then realized he was covered in pixie dust. I laughed and hooked him up to his rope (basically his leash).
"Now let's-" I began but I felt myself get smaller again. Quickly before anything else could happen, I stuffed my most special possessions in my little satchel on my belt. I got smaller and smaller. I was shrinking! I gasped and I ran over to Timber as I continued to shrink. I quickly jumped on his back and made his leash into reigns. He looked at me as I finished shrinking. I supposed I was a few inches tall, maybe six.
"Let's go, Timber," I said and pulled on the reigns a little to get his attention. He jumped up and flew. The pixie dust had given him a temporary ability of flight. "Come on, boy. Let's get to Neverland. Maybe Peter can help us," I said looking at the second star. He yipped and I led him into the air, and we disappeared into the light of the second star.

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