Day 6

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Sultan: I don't know where she gets it from. Her mother wasn't nearly so picky.

???: Good morning, You're majesty.

Sultan: Huh?

A girl with her red tiara, black hair, black dress and black boots named Charlene was looking at the Sultan.

Sultan: Oh, morning, Charlene. Sleep well?

Charlene: Yeah. Say, why the long face?

Sultan: It's Jasmine, Cinderella and Ozzy. My daughter refuses to choose the prince. Cinderella was exhausted. And Ozzy is very lucky that I've seen it.

Charlene: That's messed up.

Sultan: Yeah. I wish they can do better.

Charlene: Me too. Besides, how hard could have been?

Sultan: I don't know...

A shadow falls over him

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A shadow falls over him. Sultan and Charlene looks up startled and sees Jafar.

Charlene: (Gasp)

Sultan: Ooh, oh. Ah, Jafar--my most trusted advisor. I am in desperate need of your wisdom.

Jafar: My life is but to serve you, my lord

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Jafar: My life is but to serve you, my lord.

Sultan: It's this suitor business. Jasmine refuses to choose a husband. I'm at my wit's-end.

Charlene: And so as Cinderella and Ozzy. They were exhausted.

Iago: Awk! Wit's-end.

Sultan: Oh, ha ha.

The Sultan pulls a cracker out from his pocket. Iago looks terrified.

Sultan: Have a cracker, pretty polly!

Then The Sultan stuffs it in Iago's mouth. Iago grimaces as he tries to eat it. Jafar, Charlene and The Sultan laughs.

Jafar: Your majesty certainly has a way with dumb animals.

Iago glares at him.

Jafar: Now then, perhaps I can divine a solution to this thorny problem.

Charlene: Pardon.

Sultan: If anyone can help, it's you.

Jafar: Ah, but it would require the use of the mystic blue diamond.

Sultan: Uh, my ring? But it's been in the family for years.

Jafar: It is necessary to find the princess a suitor. Don't worry.

Jafar turns his staff with cobra head towards The Sultan. Charlene watches them. The eyes of the staff begin to glow. The room darkens, Jafar's voice slows down and deepens.

Jafar: Everything will be fine.

The Sultan's eyes get a hypnotized look.

Sultan: Everything...will be...fine.

Jafar: The diamond.

The Sultan removes his ring and hands it to Jafar.

Sultan: Here, Jafar. Whatever you need will be fine.

The room returns to normal as Jafar pulls back the staff.

Jafar: You are most gracious, my liege. Now run along and play with your little toys.

Sultan: Yes...that'll be...pretty good.

Charlene: Was that staff really necessary?

Jafar: Not really. (Walk away)

Charlene: (Raise her eyebrows)

Jafar and Iago exit. When they're out of the room, Iago spits out of cracker.

Iago: I can't take it anymore! If I gotta choke down on one more of moldy, disgusting crackers...

Jafar pulls a rope, which reveals a hidden entrance to his chambers.

Iago: Bam! Whack!

Jafar: Calm yourself, Iago.

Iago: Then I'd grab him around the head. Whack! Whack!

Jafar: Soon, I will be Sultan, not that addlepated twit.

Iago: And then I stuff the crackers down his throat! Ha ha!

The pair pass though a door and slam it shut.


Meanwile, in the garden at night. A shadowy figures walks through.

Cinderella: (Whisper) Ozzy, what would Sultan say if He found us?!

Ozzy: (Whisper) What am I, a lucky Jones? Now shut it and keep going.

Cinderella: (Whisper) Okay, okay.

They reaches the palace wall, then being to climb it

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They reaches the palace wall, then being to climb it. She is tugged from behind by Rajah.

Jasmine: Oh, we're sorry, Rajah. But we can't stay here and have our life's lived for us. We'll miss you.

Cinderella: Come on, let's go.

Jasmine, Cinderella and Ozzy begins to climb again, is helped up by Rajah, who begins to whine and whimper.

Jasmine: Good bye.

They disappears over the wall.

Rajah was whine and whimper.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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