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It was late at night yet Akutagawa wasn't sleeping when the doorbell rang.

Who could it possibly be at such a stupidly late time?

He put the little chain up, you never know who could try to kill you, and opened the door.

As soon as he saw those familiar eyes the door flung open and the white haired boy collapsed into his arms muttering something Akutagawa didn't quite catch.

What does someone do when their arch nemesis has just fainted into their arms after uninvitedly showing up at their place? And about that how exactly did atsushi know where he lived? That question became the perfect excuse for Akutagawa's unwillingness to kill the younger boy.

He looked down at atsushi and saw a big bloodstain on his shirt. He was halfway trough unbuttoning said shirt when he realized maybe it wasn't completely appropriate to be undressing someone who was unconscious, but what if he was badly hurt? As soon as the shirt was gone Akutagawa assessed that atsushi's healing power had already fixed whatever wound there was which had provoked all that blood.

He left the other boy on his bed and was about to leave when he heard his name being called from his left.

"Rashomon" he said, and his ability pinned atsushi on the bed exactly where he had put him just a moment before "Give me one good reason not to kill you right now".

"Well-" the still not totally awake atsushi started "why didn't you do it earlier while I was fainted?"

Akutagawa went red "I- It doesn't matter just answer me"

"I mean even if you killed me it's not like I'd be missed for long so killing me would be a good thing actually" the other replied thinking about the orphanage and how useless he just was.

"You should really start to appreciate more your life you know?" Akutagawa said, slowly moving closer to the bed, murderous look on his face. Thinking about all the times dazai told him he was worthless.

"You really do not need dazai's approval you know?" Akutagawa was now next to the bed "your power is so amazing and you shouldn't let yourself down just because dazai said some bad things, you're amazing"

Akutagawa looked down at him, surprise clearly showing on his face. "I am amazing?" He questioned.

"Yeah" he started clearly meaning to say a longer sentence but he was swiftly cut off by Akutagawa soft lips pressing on his. Atsushi was quick to kiss him back and soon the atmosphere got even more heated.

Akutagawa woke up the next morning and received a sweet kiss before even having opened his eyes. "Good morning Ryū" he said and hearing his first name being used by atsushi made his heart melt and atsushi could tell when he replied "Good Morning to you atsu " in the sweetest way ever.

Word count: 481
I was inspired by a fic I read some time ago which I'd love to link if only AO3 wasn't still down. This is literally the first time I actually write a fic from start to finish, it's short ik but i told you not to expect much didn't I?
I'm maybe gonna write more on here and then maybe keep it up on AO3? It really depends on my will to live and if someone actually reads and likes this. Feel free to comment anything, even how your pet turtle ate a cucumber is appreciated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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