Chapter 1:

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Jin Guangshan was sure that his plan would work. He had spent hours upon hours planning how to become the most powerful figure in the cultivation world. He had refrained from joining the Sunshot Campaign until the end to preserve his wealth and disciples, the Jiangs were allied to him through Jin Zixuan's marriage to jiang Yanli, the Lans were in a precarious position trying to rebuild and were also allied to him through sworn brotherhood to his bastard Meng Yao, he would never think of that son of a whore as Jin Guangyao, and his plans to take over the Nie sect via assassination were well underway.

That left one problem, Wei Wuxian, the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, the one person powerful enough to stop him, yet too ostracized to do so. He had even rescued Wen Cultivators from his labor camps! He wanted, no needed, the powerful Stygian Tiger Seal to get what he wants, and he always gets what he wants. Looking down at the array in his hands, he was sure that he would get it. 'There's no way Wei Wuxian can fool anyone after this! The sects will see the Yiling Patriarch's evilness and lead a siege, killing him and the Wen dogs in his army. Then the Stygian Tiger Seal will be mine!' He thought viciously as he sent out summons to an emergency conference about what should be done about the wicked Yiling Patriarch.

. . . . . . .

He observed as the sect leaders gathered in Glamorous Hall. Jiang Wanyin looked as angry as usual, and it appeared that the rumors about the conflict between him and Wei Wuxian were true. Nie Mingjue, with his furious temper, glared at the mere mention of any named Wen.

However, Nie Huiasang had cried and whined and pleaded with his brother to listen first because Wei Wuxian was his 'best friend' and everyone knew that Chifeng-Zun folded like wet paper around his brother. The Lans were as serene as usual, Grandmaster Lan with his standard disapproval, Zewu-Jun with his customary smile, and Lan Wangji with his icy jade-like face. Was he hallucinating, or did Wangji actually look like he was scowling at him? He had done nothing to him.

Before he could properly and gracefully start the meeting, Chifeng-Zun barked out, "Why did you ask us here? What news do you have on the Yiling Patriarch?"

With a smirk, he started, "I have discovered a way to verify the dreadful rumors about the wicked Yiling Patriarch. Guangyao found this array in the Lan Sect Library, and they were so gracious to let us borrow it."

'Hah! Take that, Qiren, you stuck up snob! I am powerful enough to take things out of your library without you even knowing it!' Murmurs broke out through the room, the Lans looked as horrified and angered as expected furiously murmuring among themselves, Chifeng-Zun looked as irritatedly angry as usual, Jiang Wanyin and Jiang Yanli looked horrified.

"Father!" Jin Zixuan broke out in a whisper. "This is a bad idea. You shouldn't do this!"

"Yes Father, the sects might see something unsavory." Jin Guangyao said, sweat dripping down his forehead. "The labor camps contained more than just Wen cultivators as you know, if they are shown then it will cause problems."

"Both of you shut up! Zixuan, go sit with your wife and son and you Guangyao, don't say another word." Jin Zixuan sent him a disgusted stare then went and sat with his wife and child in the Jiang delegation, not the Jin, sending a clear message that he did not approve of what was going on.

"What does the array do, Sect Leader Jin?" Sect Leader Yao asked deferentially.

"Once activated, this array allows you to view anything you wish to see. It will project the scene onto the mirror and will let us hear what is happening. This way, we will all be able to see the villainy of the Yiling Patriarch safely and be able to make prompt steps to deal with this threat." He answered back. 'Finally, no one will be able to dispute the need to eradicate the Wei Wuxian, and I will get the Stygian Tiger Seal!' He thought, excitement bubbling through his veins.

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