And I promise to give you the soft life you always dreamed of.
The one where you wake up to warm coffees and sweet breads.
The one where you go tot sleep to have dreams of stars and sunshine.
The one where picnics by beaches and lunches under willow trees resides.
The one where your heart is always secure between my palms.
The one where you grow grey hairs as you grow old and the wrinkles form around your eyes as you smile ear to ear.
The one where chocolates by bed and mints under pillow brings you joy.
The one where I hold your hands through the small beautiful ride that is life.
I promise to give you the sweet, soft life you always wanted.
Pieces of Me
RandomA collection of poems that I believe are the essence of me and my truth. It encapsulates my love, my thoughts and so essentially they are the pieces of me. I hope you find them soulful just as I do.