"Welcome To Meiwood, We Hope You Enjoy Your Visit"

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I couldn't even see. The mist was so thick that my near perfect vision was blocked by the fog ahead of me. Where I was? Who I was? That I didn't know, and in this situation it didn't really matter. I got here last night, or I at least think it was last night. It was a shock arriving here, I didn't recognize anything or remember any facts about this place. The only small detail that gave me the slightest of information was a small crooked sign reading "Welcome To Meiwood, We Hope You Enjoy Your Visit". It was the only object I had seen so far in this place that was identifiable, besides the grass and tree's of course. Though there wasn't much I had seen so far, while walking I had came across a few wooden huts. They gave me hope but by the slowly molding wood, and the grown grass, I guessed that just like the rest of this place it was abandoned.

Even that small sign that I had just passed was difficult to read and that's not just because of the mist. As I continue to walk I can't help but notice that this place was not typical. Although I don't remember anything about where I really live or where I lived, this place gave me shivers with each step I took. If anybody was there they would agree that my expression, was straight faced but a slight tint of confusion also played across my eyes which shut slightly at the heavy wind blowing in my direction. I had to continue walking. There was no way that nothing is here and that I'm simply just walking across some land, is there?

Thoughts about maybe giving up crossed my mind, but a voice in my head whispered telling me to not even consider giving up. I wanted to just sit down, but this voice somehow persuaded me. It was forcing each step I took foward. Maybe I was crazy? I couldn't be, being crazy requires a mind forced by society to think ones self is no longer sane. I didn't care about others thoughts about me, I couldn't be. Then again the voice at the back of my head called lightly, repeating a single phrase over and over getting louder and louder each time. 

"You never know"

I hate that phrase, I'm stubborn so I believe that I'm always right. Its funny enough that its true though, its like I see the future. If only I could, I could figure out everything; including the cures to terrible illnesses which kill off thousands upon thousands daily. Lets face it though, what could a kid like me do to benefit the world? Nothing. Those words were hammered into my head with a nail, I've been told that so many times that I gradually start to believe that its true. So maybe I am crazy, maybe the fog covering my sight is actually me losing sight of reality. That just couldn't be happening though. What happened to me? Sage, the fiesty firework, with a side of feminist just to top it all off. Thats the wierd thing though, thats the only thing I remember about myself, my personality and even thats gone blury.

Branches of tree's crunch beneath my feet, shocking me less each time that it happens. If this is the world I lived in, then where the hell is all the war and fighting. Cause this is too damn peaceful to be any world, City or anywhere. No place is this quiet. I continued to walk, outlines of buildings were visible now meaning that there once was life here. Or that there is life. Meiwood. Where the heck is Meiwood, I've never heard of it? Then again I can't even remember where I'm from, so don't expect too much from me. Is this place even real, or is it fake. Maybe I'm dreaming, or maybe I'm lost so deep in a nightmare that I don't even remember how it started. But all dreams are nightmares, just some have bitter endings whereas some don't. I'd travelled quite far in this time, much further than I expected.

There was an opening to what looks a little like a street right in front of me. Though it was dark, the street lamps lit up individual areas leaving others the same old black shade. Oh who am I kidding, that was obviously a sketchy area where no-one in their right mind would go down. There were about 10 buildings, appearing to be shops, on each side of this rode. One side was old the other,new. I was still confused, but I felt as though I discovered something. Something which was meant to stay hidden.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2015 ⏰

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