Chapter 5

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Niall's Point of View

I read and re-read the new article just to be sure what I'm seeing is real. It feels so surreal.

Niall Horan: new love interest?

24-year-old Billionaire Niall Horan was seen Saturday morning at the airport with a young man who appears to be a new love interest. It was reported that the un-named young man called Horan "babe" and gave him a peck on the head. The couple was seen getting into Horan's car together.

"I saw them. They were all loved up like a happy couple. The man had Niall tucked under his arm and was whispering to him." A unnamed source reports.

This comes following Horan's apparent loveless streak for the past 5 years he has been in the spot light. Has the time finally come for this young sensation to be attached? What about the fact that Mr. Horan was seen with a young gentleman?

"I never saw Niall as being gay. I always thought he'd be one of those picket fence families. But I guess you love who you love right?" Said an anonymous source.

Love is love indeed as it was made bluntly clear yesterday as Mr. Horan was made off the market and gay for one mysterious man.

"I just want to know who the hunk he's dating is!" An unnamed source said.

More information to cone later this week on who Mr. Horan's mystery man is.

"Well...what do you think?" Liam asks me. But I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this new article.

"I still would like my private life kept private." I respond. In all honesty, maybe it's all right. Maybe I'm okay with having a little bit of the spotlight.

"Well, it seems to be working. They are focusing all their energy on figuring out Zayn, which they won't find anything on him, and the Paps are satisfied with this new bit on you, exploiting the fact you're gay to look back in the past or something. Or at least that's what Sophia explained to me."

"How is the lovely Sophia?" I interrupt to tease him. I love teasing Liam.

"She's alright I suppose." Liam tells me with a light blush dusting his features.

Sophia is a young woman of 23 in the public relations department that Liam has this thing for. I will never understand what he sees in her, but I like the looks of Zayn better than Sophia, not that that was meant to mean anything. Zayn and I are in a business relationship and I always remain professional in my business relationships.

Even the begrudging one I have with my father. I learned it from him after all.

"Well, what is the next step in this so called master plan of yours?" I ask, knowing he didn't ask for this meeting just to point out the obvious.

"Right now nothing. Maybe just you and Zayn can be seen out and together more. On Friday, I've granted an interview with Ireland: AM for you and Zayn. It's scheduled for 9am, and they'll be sending over a list of questions to be approved later this week. It will be aired live."

"Alright, I assume they'll be asking more about Zayn and wanting to get to know my 'new love interest.' I want no surprises from this interview though."

"Wasn't planning on any. Do you need anything else before your 2 o'clock with your father?"

Oh Goodness, I'd forgot he was making a historic trip to the office to see me personally.

"No, just make sure to knock before you bring him in."

"Alright. See you in about 15 minutes." Liam swiftly leaves to let me prepare for my father. I clean the desk of my papers and work through my email as a way to pass the time.


Dad is more than an hour late and I'm fuming. I'm 5 minutes late to my next meeting because I'm waiting on him. I don't get why I bother.

I get up and walk to the conference room down by the other end of my top floor master office. Only me, the CFO and Vice President have offices up here with their assistants. I like to keep the people I need on a regular basis nearby, and everyone else is on the lower levels.

Liam looks panicked but I just wave him off and head into the conference room where I see my CFO- Jonathan Smits and my Vice President and best friend other than Liam- Harry Styles sitting with our newest client- Mrs. McLuhan. Next to her is another woman whom I presume s her legal aide who will help in the negotiations for the rights to publishing her book.

"I apologize profusely for my tardiness Mrs. McLuhan, my last meeting ran over a little bit, I hope Mr. Styles and Mr. Smits were good company in my absence." I tell a small lie as my meeting did run over, it just did not happen in the end, while shaking her hand and showing my hand as a gesture for us to sit down. "Why don't we begin the negotiations?"

"Sure, I like the deal your company sent over, but I feel like you could do a little better."

"Of course, let's see what we can do."


Not even 20 minutes into the negotiations the door is slammed open and my red-faced father is in the meeting room, disrupting the deal I had going.

"Niall, I need to speak with you." My dad grits out.

"Da 'm in a meeting. You were late. I will speak to you once I have finished with Mrs. McLuhan." I explain, my accent coming out, as I get upset with my father.

Luckily, Liam was smart and has my personal guard and driver- Mr. Basil Whelan to politely escort my father to my office.

"I'm sorry about that. Where were we?" I ask politely.

"We were just about done. Just need signatures on the new copy." Harry explains.

I smile and nod my head in agreement. And before long, I am shaking Mrs. McLuhan's hand and am walking briskly to my office to confront my father. Sometimes family is more stressful than work.

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