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"This is nice," y/n complimented a few days later as her and Georgie walked into a restaurant to have dinner.

"Yep. But it's not a date." Georgie nodded, "Just two people having a baby, getting dinner."

"Right," y/n nodded.

"Who recently spent a night of love making together," Georgie said, lowering his voice.

"Shhh," y/n said as he spoke too loudly and she looked around the restaurant.

"Oh," she groaned when spotting two people she didn't want to see at all. "Seriously?"

"What?" Georgie asked, turning to look down at her.

"My parents," y/n said and nodded to where they were sitting.

Y/n had not seen or spoken to her parents since she was 6 weeks pregnant, and was now 19 weeks so it had been months since she saw or spoke to them and when her mother kicked her out.

"Cool." Georgie said, spotting them. "Should we say hi?"

"We should run and scream." Y/n said and he smirked.

"Scream like you did the other night—"



Y/n saw her father, Keith looking at her from the corner of her eye.

She looked back as Keith got Fiona's attention and they both looked at her.

Y/n waved nervously, but only Keith waved back and gestured for them to come over.

"Hi, mum. Dad." Y/n said as she and Georgie reached their table and were now standing next to it.

"Y/n," Fiona said, unpleasantly.

"Hey, sweetie," said Keith, sounding guilty. "Georgie." He nodded towards him.

"How are y'all?" Georgie asked joyfully, not sensing the tension between y/n and her parents.

His question went unanswered as Fiona gave Keith a disproving look, and instead she eyed y/n.

"I see you're showing now," she said.

Y/n put her hand on her decently sized pregnant belly, "Yeah I am." She said."I'm 19 weeks."

"Another week and you're halfway there." Said Keith, earning another unapproved look from his wife.

"So are you two together now?" Fiona asked, as y/n and Georgie were here together.

"That's none of your business," y/n said just to annoy her mother.

"Just so you know, I'm here for y/n and the baby whether we're a couple or not." Georgie added quickly.

"So you aren't together?" Keith asked, suggestively.

"Like either of you care." Y/n said.

Fiona huffed and turned to Keith, "The bill is paid," she said and stood up. "We're leaving."

She walked off and Keith stood up, unsure of what to say, "It was nice see—"

"Keith!" Fiona scolded and he quickly followed after her.


"So how'd your dinner go with y/n last night?" Connie asked the following day whilst she and Georgie worked in the gambling room.

"Good, except we ran into her parents." Georgie said.

"Uh oh, do they still not want anything to do with her?" Connie asked.

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now