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Later that night, after y/n made her scene at the laundromat, she was just at home at Connie's.

Keith, her father had gone over to the Cooper's.

Mary opened the door after he knocked and was surprised to see Keith.

"Mr Jones," she gasped, "how can I help you? Would you like to come in?"

"Yeah," Keith answered and entered the house.

Mary called George over and the three sat down, as Mary poured them all drinks.

"Y/n, is so lovely, Keith." Mary smiled. "Getting to know her has been great."

"Thanks," Keith smiled. "She's a good one."

"What can we help you with?" Mary asked.

"I have some money here," Keith said taking the envelope from his pocket, "I was hoping you could give it to y/n."

"She's just right across the street at my mums, don't you want to give it to her yourself?" Mary asked, confused slightly.

"Oh no," Keith said, "I couldn't do that and stay married."

"Sounds like we got the same wife." George SR chuckled.

"George," Mary said in a tone that basically said, not the time.

"Just trying to lighten the mood, honey." George said and then turned to Keith, taking the envelope, "I'll make sure she gets it."

"Thank you," Keith said.

"I'm sure your wife will come around eventually." Mary said sounding a bit sorry.

"I'm hoping she will when she sees the baby," Keith nodded along.


Over at Connie's, y/n opened the door when someone knocked and she knew it would be Georgie.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong." He said. "Yell at me if you like."

"I'm not gonna yell," y/n said, "but you could have at least asked me before going to his store!"

Over Georgie's shoulder a familiar car caught her eye and it was parked in front of Georgie's parents house.

"Is that my dads truck?" She asked, confused.

"Is it?" Georgie asked, turning to look where she was.

Y/n heaved angrily, "Oh, I am gonna yell actually." She said before walking past Georgie and marching across the street.

She opened the front door to the Coopers house, Georgie behind her to find her dad and Georgie's parents talking in the living room.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Y/n asked, her voice slightly raised.

"Oh, hi sweetie." Keith said, standing up.

"What are you doing here?" Y/n asked again, her voice more frantic.

"Y/n, your mum and dad miss you." Mary said from the couch.

"Then they should be talking to me," y/n argued, looking at her dad.

"You know what your mum is like." Keith said, looking down slightly.

"Yeah, I know too well." Y/n said, "I know she slapped me and dragged me outta the house with no where to go. And you let her!"

Keith looked down, and Mary said, "Why don't we take a breath—" but y/n cut her off.

"Do you know I had to sleep in my car, dad!" Y/n yelled, her eyes tearing up. "After I was forced out of my own house when all I wanted was help and was treated like dirt!"

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now