Painting hobbies

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It's Saturday and it's the day that they go to the arcade.

-----------------Her perspective-------------
I was painting drawings of clouds, since clouds reminded me of the sky and how beautiful it is.


Her thoughts: [ Qwen? Guess im not gonna finsih this painting]

before answering her i think about jayden.

Text: <heyy! Wanna go to the arcade this weekend?>

<sure! Y not?>

[I obvi said yes bc of her cute brother]

I set down my phone and go back to painting.


I grab my phone off the stool.

<not bc of my brother right?>


<TOTALLLLLY not bc of your hot skateboard brother!>

I was being Sarcastic with her.

<LOL! See u Later at 3!!!>

[She also sent me winky faces how cute!]

Qwen was always a good friend and I told her everything.

I hear my door open.


"Want some tea darling?"

"Sure mum! Might need it for my painting.

She laughs at my joke.


She closes my door. I continue my painting.

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