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"Hey! Henry! You better not stay around here. Chelse is heading here!" One of his friend warned

"Oh? Ok I better stay away from him. Atleast today....." Henry replied and started to walk back to one of the tents while staring at the crescent moon

But unfortunately, a guy bumped with him causing both of them to stumble and Henry to freeze afterwards.

"WHO-?!" The guy started but then stared at Henry with those shilvery eyes of his

A smile appeared on his lips and he wrapped his arms around Henry's shoulder.

"It's you!" He exclaimed brushing his Dragon ring againts his neck

Just when he thought that he was acting odd, a strong scent of alcohol embraced them.

"Chelse, you're drunk! "-Henry

"Oh? I am?" He giggled and started to drag him towards his friends

Henry tried to break free but his grip just tightened.

"Hiyo! Mates! Step aside..... reval my tresure!" Said Chelse
" You're really drunk, go to sleep already!" It was his girlfriend Tina visibly in an annoyed way

"Sssscram! My treasure!"-Chelse

Henry could see Tina rolling her eyes and they steped aside revealing a dried tree on the edge of the clift.
Chelse pushed him forward.
"Go on, let's see if you can climb a tree" said him smiling

"I-I can't! " Henry shuttered
"Why not?"-Chelse
"I-I -I "-Henry
"Stop your 'I I', or are you-" he fake gasped "scared of heights? Either way, climb already~~"

"Its dangerous, let him pass this time or we will get into trouble" his friend suggested but he shook his head

Instead, he steped towards Henry and with his every step, Henry backed away.

"Pl-ease, not today" Henry could feel his legs tremble and his beating heart

Chelse tittled his head, in a scary way and at last Henry felt like he had no other choice.
So he slowly climbed the trunk trembling, and to the branches.

"Good, now you may come back!" Chelse exclaimed with joy

But at that moment, Henry felt himself stoned. He couldn't take his eyes off of that terrifying distance between him and the ground.
He couldn't stop from cursing Chelse under his breath.

"Come down~~" He heard him whining

"Henry, do you need help?" Tina asked
"I-I do-" He forced out a whisper

One of them steped out to help but before he even climbed, the branch snapped and Henry fell.

They all rushed to the edge with wide eyes and were a little relieved to see Henry crying for help while hanging with the help of roots.

"We should call the teachers! " one of them said
" will just cause trouble . Get me a rope" said Chelse, astoning everyone

"Have you lost it?! Someone's gonna die!!!" Tina yelled
"SHUT UP!" Chelse growled

"....Go, call teachers for help."-Tina
"A rope!"-Chelse

On the other hand Henry was down there, his heart beat was racing like a cheeta. He was screaming continuously calling for help. His eyes got waterly and he regreted to agree for this stupid camp his school organized.

Then, he saw someone, coming down. His eyes widen, after all why would anyone went to jump through this clift on his own.
The person got down on his level and looked at him. Those grey eyes shone in the dark.
"Crybaby" Chelse commented

He held his waist tightly and shouted while looking up.
"Pull up!"
They slowly started to rise up as Henry stared him with tears rolling down his cheeks, speechless.

They got up and people started to ask if Henry was ok to which he just nodded.

"He is fine. Now go away, I have something to talk out" said Chelse, who looked sober now
"Don't do anything stupid now" Tina left a advise before leaving

And at last it was just Henry and him. Henry tried to get up and leave too but Chelse pulled him back.

"I said I have something to talk to you!"-Chelse
"But I don't! You almost KILLED me. Who knows what you will do next!" Henry cried

Chelse scratched his nape seemingly guilty and spoke "Look, I am sorry for that, but I did save you. I took the responsibility "

"You can't just do something bad and apologise as if it will turn everything normal!" Henry yelled

Chelse grabed his collar and pulled him.
"Just because I am apologising doesn't mean you can shout at me as you please" he whispered

Henry no more knew what to say or do. Chelse freed him and sat back as before.

"It was an accident. If you accept my apology, good for you. If you don't , I wouldn't care any less."-Chelse

He glanced at Henry "Just don't tell anyone about it"

Henry suddenly chuckled bitterly as more tears escaped his eyes.
"You care about staying in the school more than others life"

"And you got wings after nearly falling to death"-Chelse

'How can someone care so less?' Henry thought

Chelse stood up and walked away.
Henry wiped his tears and just as he was about to stand, a aid-box was thrown in front of him.

He looked at the person who threw it and it was him, again.
"You've got some scratches" he said and disappeared with the crowd of people
Not only for that night but also for months from his life

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