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Rosalie gets sucked into a book called Narnia that her grandfather Fenolio is writing after she walks in on Meggie, the Silvertongue, reading it. She meets a family called the Pevensies and they go off on a wonderful adventure. And who knows, maybe she will find love along the way.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of this.  The work belongs to C.S.Lewis and Cornelia Funke.  I am just putting their wonderful books together.


Fenolio instantly knew he was dreaming.  The sky around him was too bright, the grass was too lush, the air too clear.  As beautiful as the land of Inkheart was compared to Earth he knew it was nothing in comparison to this land. 

He looked around him but the wonders started to fade before he could fully register them in his mind.  "No," he panicked.  "Not now."  He couldn't go yet, he wasn't sure he would ever want to leave.  "Calm yourself, my child" a voice soothed.  "It is not your time yet."  He looked around him again but this time  saw nothing.  Not even a sign as to where the voice was coming from.  "Where are you, who are you?" he questioned.  "Turn around" replied the voice.  "And I am Aslan."  As soon as he saw who, no what had spoken he jumped back in fear and shock.  'No' he thought 'this cannot be.  I must be dreaming.'  But the name Aslan seemed to ring a bell in his mind.  He knew that name.  "Do not be afraid, my child, I am not going to hurt you.  And yes this is a dream, but it is real."

 In frount of him stood, a lion, a great golden lion and Fenolio had the urge to bow his head.  The lion looked at him kindly and he didn't seem so scared anymore.  "I have a job for you" said the lion  walking towards him slowly.  "You are descended from C.S.Lewis the person who first wrote about Narnia in 'The Magician's Nephew.'  "Narnia?," questioned the old man.  "A land in which you will become familiar with.  I have heard you are a writer."  Fenolio nodded his head.  "You have been chosen to write my book, to continue where your ancestor left off."  "How am I supposed to know what to write?"  "You will know what to write when the time comes.  But for my plan to come through it must be read by a Silvertongue.  A person with the power to make the written word to life with..."  "Their voice." interrupted Fenolio.  His eyes lit up, "Meggie," he breathed, speaking of one he knew with that gift.  Aslan smiled at him, "Indeed, but do not tell anyone else what you are doing."  "Not even Rosie?"  He told his granddaughter everything about his projects and sometimes she even lent a helping hand.  But mostly she painted the characters he had stuck in his head, helping him to bring them to life.  She was a very gifted artist.  "No" Aslan informed him.  "Rosie is not to know."  Fenolio's face dropped.  The lion smiled at him kindly, "At least...not yet."  The man's spirits lifted, maybe he could tell he sometime in the future.

He somehow found this mad story very believable, maybe it was because he now lived in a land of fairies and water nymphs but he knew that what the lion told him was true.  "Will you do this?," the lion questioned.  "It is the only way to save Narnia."  "I will do it," Fenolio answered.  "But what is wrong with Narnia?"  "Thank you" Aslan said.  "You will see this land again when you have completed your task."  Afterwards Fenolio wondered if Aslan knew of his yearning to stay, he guessed he did.  Aslan turned and walked away.  "Wait, what is wrong with Narnia," for some reason he felt a protectiveness towards the land he had never even seen.  At this the lion did stop his departure.  He turned, "A great evil, and it is your job to stop it.  I put my trust in you."  Aslan started to fade.  Fenolio ran forward, "Wait, don't go yet." "You will be fine," the soothing voice of the lion informed him.  "Go now, start your work."

Ok, this is my first story so please be kind. Leave a comment and guess who I based this idea of Fenolio off.  Let me know if you want me to continue.

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