Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Fenolio suddenly found himself in his bed with the story of Narnia pouring into his head.  He flung himself out of bed and rushed downstairs to grab his breakfast.  On his way back upstairs he said to an astonished Minerva.  "Would you mind calling for Meggie and when she comes send her over immediately.  No one is to disturb us."  The poor women nodded, in a daze and called for her daughter to go and run for the town messenger.  He hurried back upstairs to get started


It was noon by the time Meggie arrived.  Farid and Dustfinger had returned from their travels and her Jake and Rosie had been spending the morning listening to their tales.  She had just gotten the message half an hour ago.  Sometimes he really missed phones. 

So far he had written about a family in the 1940's who had been evacuated to the countryside.  He had no idea what this had to do with Narnia as it was obvious that this family lived on Earth, England to be exact.  But he knew that Aslan wanted him to write about this family for a reason.

Fenolio was interupted form his thoughts by a knock on the door.  He covered his work in panic but when Meggie popped her head in he relaxed.  "Meggie," he welcomed.  "It's good to see you.  Listen I've got something to ask of you


Meggie's POV

I woke to Jake jumping on me shouting about Dustfinger and Farid.  They were back.  I sat up and rubbed my eyes.  I looked over at Rosie who was staying with us at the moment.  I woke her (with difficulty) and we got dressed and ran out to meet them.  We spent the next hour or so listening to the tales of their travels.  Thins were a bit awkward around Farid as he had heard about my break up with Doria.  But he didn't say anything which she was very grateful for.  She now saw him as nothing more than another brother. 

At about half eleven the messenger arrived and told her that Fenolio wanted me immediately.  I looked over at Rosie, it was usually her he asked for.  She looked jealous but then covered it with a grin.  "He probably knew I was busy."  That was right, Rosie had planned to go out painting today and I was ment to go with her.  Rosie had been painting for a long time and now she had reached a stage that she was actually really good.  She loved painting everything in the Inkworld, she had painted everything from the little glass men to the Addarhead's castle.  Today I was going to go with her and we were going to make a picnic out of it.  That was obviously not going to happen now. 

"I'm sorry miss," a voice brought me out of my thoughts.  It was the messenger.  "Mr.Fenolio wants to see you."  Go on over to the old man, I'll come and help you when I get back."  Dustfinger and Farid looked confusedly between us an Dustfinger asked.  "Are you going somewhere?"  "Oh we were just going on a picnic," Rosie informed him.  I grinned, "Well since I can't go, maybe you two should join her." 

They looked like they were about to protest so I said.  "We need someone to make sure she comes home."  Rosie blushed and ducked her head.  Farid frowned, "What do mean?."  "Well," I said catching the eye of the scarlett-faced girl and informed my audience, "She often forgets to come home.   Also because she has something to show you."  Rosie's head snapped up and she all but yelled "No I don't."  "Yes you do," I insisted.  "It's time you told them."  Dustfinger still looked confused.  I stood up and brushed myself down, "You are are going on a picnic."  "What are you doing?"  I shook my head and wondered if he ever listened.  "I'm going to help our resident author."


When I arrived Minerva let me in quietly.  "He came down this morning for breakfast in a rush, looked like he just jumped out of bed.  He asked me to send for you as soon as possible.  He hasn't been down since.  Be quiet when you go up lunch, he must be starving."  She handed me a tray and I headed up the stairs.  I knocked on his door and let myself in.  He was scribbling furiously and when he heard me come in he seemed to panic and he covered his worked but when he saw it was me he relaxed.  He fixed his pages and motioned me to join him on the bed.  "Meggie," he said to me.  "It's good to see you, listen.  I've got something to ask of you."


"No"  I shouted.  "I can't  do that, what about the risks.  I wont start this again."(^)  "But Meggie, I..."  "No," I interrupted.  "Something bad will happen. 

For the last 10 minutes he had been trying to get me to read his story out.  Now you might not thing that is such a big deal.  But not for my family, both my father and I had a special power.  Whenever we read aloud the words became real.  Everyone around us  felt as if they were in the story.  Actually in it.  You could call us the best storytellers ever if it wasn't for the consequences.  Yes that's right.  Anyone present when we read aloud was in danger of being sucked into the story and once they were in.  Well unless you could read them out.  Which my dad failed to do when my mam was sucked into Inkheart in all the ten years he searched for her.  They were stuck.

A roar and a gust of wind suddenly filled the room.  I screamed and jumped onto the bed.  As soon as it had come the wind died down.  In its pace stood a lion. I screamed again and hid behind Fenolio who didn't seem so scared.  I mean it was a lion.  But all he did was bow his head.  The lion looked at me and I whimpered.  "I will not hurt you," it said.  I screamed again.  "I'm am not going to harm you, my child.  Do not be afraid."  The kind look on his face convinced me, but I was still confused.  "B...b...but" I stuttered.  "Megs" Fenolio brought him.  "I have a blue fairy nest above my bed.  A talking lion is very probable."  I blushed and looked down. 

The lion walked forewards and spoke again.  "Do not be ashamed.  You come from a world where animals do not talk.  In a fright we often return to what we are first taught."  I nodded not knowing what else to do. 

"Meggie" the ion said.  "Look at me."  "I did so I looked into his kind face and was not scared anymore.  I knew he wouldn't hurt me.  "I  am Aslan" he told me.  This was who told Fenolio to get me to read his book out loud.  "You and Fenolio had an argument.  What was it about?"  I had a feeling he already knew what it was about but I decided to humour him.  "He wants me to read his story out loud."  "And you don't want to?," Aslan asked with a face of mild curiosity even though she knew he was more interested in this than he let on.  "No I don't, because what if someone gets read into it or gets read ouy."  I don't know why I told him this but for some reason I trusted him. 

He came closer.  "What if I promise that nothing will?"  "What?" I gasped.  "You can do that?"  "Indeed, what you do if I said once nobody else enters this room.  Nothing will happen, I promise this."  "Well" Fenolio and Aslan looked at me expectantly.  I grinned.  "I would say that you have a deal.                                 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2013 ⏰

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