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It was now the middle of the concert and Gabi and faith were in the middle of the concert they had just played automatic and were now playing Schrei .when allof a sudden the band stops playing and spotlights go on Gabi and faith.

"So here we some lovely lady's who will sing the chorus for us. " bill said while doing the smile bill always does. The whole crowd turn to them. Faith and Gabi look at each other blushing from  embarrassment but than the music started to play again so they sang.

Schrei, bis du du selbst bist
Schrei, und wenn es das Letzte ist
Schrei, auch wenn es wehtut
Schrei so laut du kannst
SLUTTY so laut du kannst

They thought it would be funny to use there inside joke in the last line. The crowed hated it but it earned faith a wink from Tom and a smirk from bill.

The concert when on as normal than they go back stage.

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