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Hyunjin's POV

when y/n and Channie hyung were inside the school, i thought about picking her up with Jeongin.

on free days we could go back to my house together and she can play with Kkami 🥰

i hope y/n likes dogs. Kkami and Bbama can have a playdate. we could send the three of them together on Bubble...

(unrelated but when i first became a Stay i saw people mentioning Bubble but they used bbl for short. i thought it stood for Brazilian butt lift..)

y/n and Channie hyung came back to the car and we started driving back to the dorms.

"can i take y/n over to my house?"

i asked Channie hyung. Jisung and i are the only ones who don't have work today, so we can both introduce y/n to our dogs. it's also good for her to have exposure to animals.


he asked.

"i want to play with her and introduce her to Kkami. Jisung can introduce her to Bbama too"

i explained. he hummed a bit before agreeing.

"i'll drop you guys off and take the rest of us back to the company. i'm gonna drop by to pick you guys up at 4"

"do you want to come meet our dogs y/nnie?"

Han asked her. he's sitting next to y/n along with Yongbok.

"i'm not sure. i've never played with dogs before, or any animal really"

y/n said. even better, we can introduce her to some nice and calm dogs so she's not afraid. Lee Know hyung can introduce her to his cats someday.

"look, this is Bbama.. and that here is Kkami"

Jisung showed her some pictures of Bbama and Kkami on his phone. i turned to look at them and y/n was smiling and pointing out them.

"they're so cute"

she looked really excited to meet them and pet them. she was already talking about how fluffy they are.

Channie hyung drove us to my place. thankfully mine and Jisung's second apartments are really close together, so he can bring Bbama to mine easily.

"y/nnie let's go. all these other hyungs have work to do"

i stuck my tongue out at all of them behind y/n's back. Jisung and i get to spend more time with our adorable little baby sister.

"you're gonna see Channie hyung in my apartment when we walk in"

i said. y/n looked a little confused while Jisung just laughed and went to his apartment to grab Bbama.

"but Channie hyung just left with everyone else?"

she questioned. i laughed a little bit and opened the door for her to see. her jaw absolutely dropped.


the Bang Chan cardboard cutout in my house smiled down at little y/n as she shook it gently up and down.

"look at how strong i am. i can carry Channie hyung 🌝"

i cracked the door open so Jisung could get in.

"bring Channie hyung this way so we can go see Kkami. my parents only bring him here once a week since they're busy on Sundays"

i explained as we walked to Kkami's kennel. y/n waddled over with the giant cutout and looked at Kkami sleeping.

"he looks cute"

she said as she knelt down beside the kennel. i opened it and Kkami looked up at us. he woke up, stretched, and walked towards y/n.

y/n looked a little scared. probably because she's never interacted with a dog before.

Kkami sniffed her and his tail started wagging. he really likes meeting anyone other than me. he walks away when i want to hug him 😞

he jumped on y/n's lap and started licking her face. she fell and laid on her back while laughing and petting him. it was so cute i took a picture.

"i see she's already met Kkami"

i turned to see Jisung holding Bbama and walking towards us. y/n was still laughing on the floor while Kkami gave her lots of kisses.

Bbama was wagging his tail and looking at Kkami. they've met before, but they're always happy to play together. they're both small and playful.

i think Kkami smelled Bbama so he finally got off y/n and started pawing at Jisung's leg to let him play with Bbama. he put Bbama down and they ran off to go play.

"are you ok y/nnie? come with me so we can wash your face 😭😭"

Han took her to the bathroom since her face was covered in doggy kisses. i went to go check up on Kkami and Bbama playing in the living room.


shouldn't have left them unsupervised.

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