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Earthy tones, brisk winds, and the smell of falling leaves littered the outside of Hogwarts. Changing and dying leaves fell off the tree as fall was in full swing, along with the real start of the school year. Quidditch practices were at an all time high and students were bustling around already worried about homework or a date to Hogsmeade in the next week. Rosalie sat against her favorite tree near the courtyard, a book on her lap as she skimmed the pages.

She normally read old textbooks and other pieces of work written by bright witches and wizards, however, lately she was feeling adventurous. She was reading a romance novel. Rosalie couldn't tell you why her fingers reached for the book in the library or why she left quickly to read it, but it felt right.

A flush hit her cheeks as she read a paragraph on a rather steamy kiss being shared between the characters in her new novel. She heard the leaves crunch as someone flopped down against the tree next to her. She gasped and quickly shut her book, tucking it under her robes.

Rosalie looked over and slightly up to see one of the last people she was hoping or even expecting to see. Fred Weasley sat next to her clad in his Quidditch jersey and rather sweaty. Pieces of red hair stuck to his forehead and he wiped his face with his sleeve while sighing.

"Whatcha hiding there, Evans?" He raised his eyebrows at her and leaned in closer attempting to see inside her robes where she had hid the book. She crossed her arms together and scooted a couple inches away. "Does your anatomy book have some inappropriate graphics maybe?" He wiggles his eyebrows that had sweat beading off of them.

Rosalie scoffed and rolled her eyes. She hadn't spoken to Fred Weasley in a few weeks since their last encounter in the kitchen. They laughed and joked together for about 20 minutes before Fred had asked her if she was okay after their Defense Against the Dark Arts Lesson. He had noticed her Boggart had shaken her up quite a bit and was honestly not only concerned about the girl but extremely curious to the giant random man that was Rosalie's deepest fear.

The night ended when Fred had asked about the Boggart. Rosalie quickly returned to her normal and very serious manner before bidding him and the elves goodbye and practically running out of the kitchen. Fred attempted to run after her but by the time he reached the hall she was no where to be seen.

His friends and mostly his brother had been pestering him, knowing that something was obviously wrong with him. Fred's mind was elsewhere. George noticed that his twin couldn't even focus on quidditch or a prank and was often caught staring at the Ravenclaw table in a look that Lee described as "desperate longing".

"Wood must be working you to the bone." Rosalie gestured towards his outfit that was drenched in sweat. She scrunched her nose at him. Fred gave her his usual goofy grin. It was just his practice jersey but she could make out the gold number 5 on his back clear as day. She liked the number 5. It was a prime number but easy to multiply and it brought her comfort. She often found herself looking for the number or counting to it.

"He reckons we have a chance at winning the Quidditch cup this year." Rosalie nodded her head at him, she didn't have a response. She actually wasn't even quite sure why Fred Weasley was sitting next to her. "I mean, you're brilliant with numbers and odds and all that," Fred rambled on waving his hand about in the air, "do you think we have a chance at winning?"

Rosalie raised her eyebrows at him. Fred Weasley just wanted to ask her to crunch some numbers to see if they had a chance at winning? Is this why he had bombarded her in the kitchen and now in her peaceful reading time? She sighed quietly.

"I don't watch too much Quidditch, if I'm being-"

"You don't watch Quidditch?!" Fred now sat up against the tree, turning his whole body towards Rosalie. He was appalled. Rosalie giggled. She wasn't sure why but the boy made her laugh, she quickly shut down the noise coming from her mouth. "Well, you are going to have to come to the games, especially when we end up winning the cup this year."

"Ravenclaw might give you a run for your money," she teased back. Rosalie wasn't sure why she was teasing and bantering with someone, let along a boy she found somewhat decent looking (she wasn't sure, she has very high standards). Maybe it was the romanticizing of the fall season or the book she had tucked under her arm that was giving some sort of feels but her realization of Fred Weasley made her blush. Yes, blush! Rosalie knew that blushing was nothing other than adrenaline causing your blood vessels to dilate and therefore, creating the reddened appearance on your cheeks. She didn't blush very often. Blushing only really happens when you're a) embarrassed or b) getting hit on by a very cute Gryffindor. And here she was, a slight pink twinge on her cheeks and yes, Fred Weasley noticed.

"Pfft," he waved his hand in front of his face as if to knock her Ravenclaw comment away. "I expect to see you at the next game, especially, if we're playing Ravenclaw."

Rosalie smiled.

Fred's demeanor shifted slightly, "about the other night in the kitchen..." He ran a hand through his sweaty hair. Rosalie started to blush again but this time from embarrassment, humiliation even. "I'm sorry for-"

"Fred! Fred!" He was interrupted by lots of screaming and overall what Rosalie would call boy noise. Lee Jordan and Fred's twin brother came running up, also absolutely drenched in sweat. Rosalie would normally be extra annoyed and maybe overstimulated but Lee was a savior at this point. She did not want to relive that conversation with Fred and most definitely did not want to talk about her Boggart.

Fred, Lee and the twin brother who Rosalie might've already forgot the name of began a conversation about some new Zonko's product but Rosalie didn't quite tune in. She wasn't even sure if the boys had noticed her until George and Lee had given her a quick grin in the middle of the heated topic at hand. Rosalie began to stand up, collecting herself and quickly shoving her romance novel in her bag.

She debated pulling an Irish Goodbye but was interrupted in the process.

"Wait, Rosalie." Fred had turned to her. His lips parted as if he was ready to say something but didn't. Rosalie didn't even want to ponder the words that would come from his mouth. "I'll see you around?" He said in more of a question after a few seconds of silence. Lee and George stood there, silent, which quite frankly scared Rosalie. They were never quiet.

She nodded. "I'm sure."

With one more glance at the golden 5, she left.


authors notes:

short chapter!!! but I keep going back and forth between reading Fred fanfics and then being like you know what I need to continue mine. I have two on my profile and I am updating both of them slowly but surely! My other story Worms is about a Gryffindor OC (I'm a little more excited about that one then this but I'll be working on both)

I haven't posted a story on wattpad since like world war 1 so bare with me and please give me feedback or at least a like or comment:)

also pls tell people about my story. I'm not trying to shameless self promo but the more readers there are the more excited I feel about writing these chapters LOL

luv u guys

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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