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Time frame is between season 2 and 3.


She was about to say something snarky about it, tell Halstead to mind his own damn business, but then she saw the look on his face as he ran a finger over the top of her Woolworth's Wedding Planner.

He was startled out of his thoughts when she donned her best take no shit face and cleared her throat.

"Sorry Sarge...I didn't...I..."

He stopped right there because he didn't really know what he could say as an excuse for touching something personal on her desk. Instead he decided on the truth.

He gave her a goofy grin, but his eyes were sad. "My mom had one of these..."

She still couldn't decide how to respond, snark or kindness so she said nothing.

"She kept it on the shelf with our baby books and the photo album from their wedding." He chuckles, "It was in chronological order. The wedding planner..." he stops himself from touching it again, "... pictures, Will's baby book, then mine."

She unconsciously pulled it a few inches closer to her, "I was going to give it to Burgess to help plan her wedding."

Nodding his head absentmindedly, he hummed and blinked himself back to the here and now, "Just to loan, right? She'll give it back when you need it?"

Now that statement puzzled her to no end. This was, without a doubt, the weirdest conversation she'd ever had; partly because she was having a conversation about her wedding book at all but mostly because she was having it with her newest detective, a young badass Ex-Ranger, super sniper.

She pursed her lips, overwhelmingly touched by the sentiment, especially the 'when' not 'if.'

"I'm sure she'll given it back w-when I need it."

It was odd to her that she'd stumbled over the 'when' but Halstead had said it with the surety of a soothsayer.

He smiled at her, not his cheeky smirk or shit kicking grin, but with a warmth she imagined his mom saw frequently.

"Good. That's good."

Touching the corner of the book, he straightened it where it laid on her desk, "Okay...see ya later Sarge."

She watched him bound up the steps, buzz himself through the gate, then continue his journey to the bullpen.

The kid was long gone when a distracted, "Uh...ya...see ya later..." stumbled from her mouth, tripped up by the confident 'when' that fell from her detective's lips just moments before.

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