1 - Creations

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     I've been in this workshop for the past few days trying to complete this project. I just can't help myself. I've recently been able to multiply thousands of mephones with a copying mechanism to claim some small areas to start, but thats irrelevant right now. Currently I'm working on a project that will get rid of an obstacle. By this, I mean it will get rid of an old disobediant creation of mine who likes going against their creator.

Mephone4 and his disobedience made him run away and create a reality show, which I've managed to control. I'm sure you know which show I'm talking about. Well, of course you do, the only reason you all are reading this is to feed you crazy fantasies.(a/n: and here I am writing these fantasies) The only way to put this part of the plan into action is to get rid of mephone4 by recoding him so that theres no way for him to disobey this time. That way he can't fight back against me. Considering his contestants' mental states  and responses towards mephone, they probably dont like him much and wouldnt make a big effort to save him.

     Save him from what? Well, from being kidnapped. Thats what my trusty work-in-progress robot will do for me. Let me explain myself more clearly; I'm creating this robot that will teleport Mephone4 and bring him back to me easily so I can reprogram him. Then nothing will stand in my way. The world will be getting used to life with me in control, they'll have no choice. Rspecially after the success of taking over multiple small counties already.

     Anyways, with my current project, the one I mentioned previously, is almost finished. I just need to add an outer shell, run some tests and then I'll be able to send it to go find him.

     I can't belive my plan is finally almost completed. This plan, which I've been developing since we made that stupid agreement with Prime Shimmer all those years ago. I dont need them anymore. I have what I need.

     2 hours pass and just like that, the shell is done and the robot is ready for testing. I just need to make sure it can identify Mephone4 and teleport him here correctly. I pick up my new creation, it wasnt very heavy nor was it big; just about the size of a soccer ball. I take it to the testing room and begin to track his progress carefully.

     I task it to teleport a book from the floor to the table, and it succeeds. The process of giving it a task is fairly easy. All you have to do is open the latch in the back, type in the code telling it what to do, then securely close the latch.

     After a few minutes of teleporting numerous objects to various locations, I decide to give it a challenge to speed things up. I task it to teleport the key from my lanyard on my neck to right infront of it, the robot itself, and make sure it still functions. This is challenging because my lanyard has a very complex password system that is extremely hard to replicate. But I have many, many spares.

I programmed tge robot to do just that and then, I hear the familiar sound of moving air. In the blink of an eye, my lanyard was infront of the robot. Now for the moment of truth; making sure it works.

     I leave the room, making sure to power down the robot just in case anything could happen. I lock the door, use my card to unlock it, and the door slides open. The keycard still functions. The robot proved to be a success.

It actually worked.

     That means the robot can complete the task. And I can go through with my plan! It worked!

I mean.. of course it worked; I built it. I was just.. realizing that I can finally complete the one thing that has been on the top of my to do list for so long.

Now, it's only a matter of time.


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