Chapter 26: Obstaculos

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Welcome to another chapter let's get started

With Y/N and Moon

Moon picked up Y/N from his place and was driving the both of them to school and Moon took notice of Y/N's quietness

"Hey babe you okay?" She asked placing her hand on his leg and getting his attention

"Huh oh uh yeah why?"

"You just seem to be out of it is all is everything Okay?"

"Yeah noon I'm fine I promise" he says with a fake smile

"Well okay then but hey Sam texted me and said Miguel comes back to school today" Moon says

"Oh goodie" Y/N says sarcastically

"Y/N can you at least make an attempt to be friends again?" She asked

"Why should I he-"

"I'm well aware at what Miguel did to you Y/N but at the same time look at what happened to him...I was scared because I thought you'd never wave up but you woke before Miguel did and he had to go though not being able to walk" moon says

Thinking about what she said Y/N let's out a sigh

"I'm not saying you have to marry Miguel but don't forget before all of this karate stuff you two where good friends" Moon tells the young man who nodded knowing she was right

"Fine I'll make an attempt" Y/N tells her making her smile

"Thank you" she says as they arrive at school.

Time Skip with Y/N and Demetri

Y/N was talking to Demetri when Demetri looked behind Y/N and smiled

"Hey, the Comeback Kid! Welcome back"

Demetri greeted Miguel and Y/N truns to face Miguel neither boy saying anything to the other as their was awkward silence until Demetri broke it

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Demetri greeted Miguel and Y/N truns to face Miguel neither boy saying anything to the other as their was awkward silence until Demetri broke it

"I hope to make a similar triumphant return to the land of the mobile appendage masses" Demetri says referring to his cast

"What's up with the cast?" Miguel ask and both Y/N and Demetri looked at each other then back at Miguel

"Proximal radius fracture" Demetri tells Miguel as Yasmine walked up to them

"It smells" she says

"Yeah like your breath" Y/N comments making Yasmine glare at him

"Hey Moon said you have to be nice to me" she says crossing her arms

"No Moon said make an attempt and I attempted and failed" Y/N counters

But at least I put a lemon rind down there to mitigate that and Yas The invitation for you to sign it still stands" Demetri says smoothly handing her a marker

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