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A few days later, Connie said Pastor Jeff came to her house and asked to not allow movies like that to be rented and Connie basically slammed the door in his face.

Y/n was currently working at the video store, putting some recently returned movies back on the shelf when.

"Thank you for saying no to sin!" The voice of Pastor Jeff said from outside.

"Are you kidding me?" Y/n whisper yelled to herself before storming out the door.

"Hey!" She yelled, hand on her belly and Pastor Jeff and the other Christians (including the lady who was at the store a few days ago) turned to look at her.

"What are you doing?" Y/n asked, not calm.

"People are signing our petition as they agree sin has no place in cinema." Pastor Jeff said smugly from his stupid little stall.

"You are scaring away my customers." Y/n argued.

"You know what's scarier? Hell." Said Pastor Jeff.

"Then go do it somewhere else, you can't just sit here in front of my store." Y/n argued, "And people can rent whatever movies they want. People can decide for themselves!"

"They sure can," Pastor Jeff said as another woman walked past. "If you love God and hate the devil, sign here."

The woman signed the petition, "Where is your halo? Because you are an Angel." Said Pastor Jeff.

"Let's just see what the people think about this." Connie said, emerging from the store carrying a fire extinguisher.

She set it off, blowing the Pastor and the Christians with the white substance making them all run off.

"That's right." Y/n said, following Connie back into the store, holding her belly.


After hearing y/n and Connie giggling from the video store, Georgie came in angrily and closed the store.

"What are you doing?" Connie said as her and y/n stopped giggling, "We finally got those kill joys outta here."

"Yeah, it was amazing." Y/n agreed.

"Have you two lost your minds." Georgie said, standing in front of them, hands on his hips like a angry parent. "We do not need this kinda attention."

"But it's good." Y/n argued.

"It's like free advertising." Connie added.

"We're running an illegal gambling room back there." Georgie pointed to the door.

"Oh, that will be fine." Connie waved him off.

"For you." Georgie argued, "if we get arrested, y'all go to lady jail. I have to go to scary jail, I'm too pretty for scary jail."

"You gotta stop watching those prison movies." Y/n huffed.

"So you're saying we should just give in? After what that holy-rolling muppet has done to your whole family?" Connie asked, outraged.

"He kinda does look like a muppet." Y/n shrugged.

"All I'm saying is that we need to remember where the real moneys coming from. If we want it to keep coming, you gotta back off." Georgie said, more to Connie.

Connie got an unimpressed look on her face, "Okay, fine. I'll behave."

Georgie gave y/n a look too and she huffed, "Fine I'll behave too."

"When did you start being the responsible one?" Connie asked, confused.

"Hey, I don't like it, either." Georgie said still in his serious tone.


"I'd like to order five more copies of Basic Instinct." Connie said on the following days over the phone at the video store.

She went to make peace with Pastor Jeff, but he just pissed her off more saying he can come in and check what other movies are 'sinful'. Now she was ordering more movies just to spite him.

"And a couple more of Fatel Attraction." Connie continued then turned to y/n who was behind the counter, "Is there anything else?"

"Get a copy of Last Temptation of Christ. That will piss people off." Y/n answered and Connie ordered before hanging up the phone with a "Thank you."

"What are y'all doing?" Georgie asked in his disapproving voice as he had entered the video store when Connie was on the phone.

"Well, I tried to be nice but he kept pushing." Connie argued.

"Yeah, so now we're pushing back." Y/n said.

"Why do you care?" Georgie asked his grandmother.

"Because I don't like anybody telling me how to run my business especially him." She answered.

"This is not your business." Georgie said and gestured to the whole video store. "That room back there is your business. Your secret illegal business."

"So, we should just became a Christian video store now?" Y/n asked frowning

"Actually—" Georgie started.

"No!" Connie snapped. "I am not gonna let him win!"


"Hey Connie!" Y/n said entering the gambling room from the video store, holding a stack of files she printed.

"What?" Connie asked, as she had to pack up some of the movies in the coming days.

"I did some digging on the computer and you can see what Pastor Jeff has been renting," y/n started.

Connie perked up, "Give me the details." She urged.

"It turns out he rents a lot of Jesus movies." Y/n shrugged and her face fell.

"But, you should see what his wife and other church members have been renting." Y/n said and showed her the papers.

"She's rented Dirty Dancing, Five times!" Y/n said. "That's a lot of shirtless Patrick Swazey."

"And fatal attraction 6 times." Connie read and looked up at y/n with a smirk.

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now