Chapter One - Prologue

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    I don't believe in luck. I don't believe in superstitions like karma and wishes. I don't cross my fingers for good fortune or step over cracks in the sidewalks.

    Although it sounds hypocritical, my story begins with luck.

    The sun came shining through the slit in the heavy velvet curtains and I rolled out of bed a minute before my alarm clock was set to ring. Pulling back the curtains, I revealed a brilliant blue sky dotted with puffy white clouds.

The morning unfolded like the ones before it, except "better." Everything seemed to run smoother than expected. There were no problems or obstacles to brave.

    I got up and stayed up. Fatigue didn't rear it's ugly head or put up a fight. The corners of my eyelids were not pulled down by the temptation of sleep. I felt the energy coursing through my veins that I would need for the long day ahead.

    I got dressed. Each pleat in my flowing blouse was ironed to a crisp. The top was a light lavender color with a white lace belt under the bust. The colors nicely complemented my purple heals and white pin skirt. The mannequin that wore the skirt at the store was much taller than me so I revealed a lot less leg than she did, but because of this, the skirt was work appropriate. There are some perks to only being five foot three. There are also some major disadvantages.

    I knew I was going to be the youngest employee in my department and I didn't want anyone to treat me like a kid. I hoped very much that my size would not play a part in the way people saw me.

    To try and hide my height, I wore my highest heals. They were deep purple with pointed toes and thin straps that wrapped around the ankles.

    Although I always considered myself not to be materialistic, I loved those damn shoes! They were the kind of shoes that made the delicate clicking sound as I walked. Click click click out of my bedroom. Click click click down the hall and click click click into the kitchen.

    I made waffles for breakfast and I didn't burn them! I am an awful cook. Bad. I mean bad. But the luck continued to cast it's rays upon my morning.

    Before I left my apartment, I stopped and took one last, long look in the hall mirror. My attire was formal and sophisticated. For the first time in my life I looked like an adult. My round child's face was elongated by contouring makeup, presenting the illusion of high cheekbones and deeper set eyes. My light blond hair was cut close to the shoulders of my blouse. Normally frizzy and unruly, my hair laid relatively flat against my back. I could not tame all the wavy curls but the style suited my new look. My green eyes sparkled in the morning light. The outfit created curves along my skinny figure that previously did not exist. I smiled into the mirror at the new woman I was becoming. I only wished that the adult world would see me the same way.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2016 ⏰

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