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Y/n's belly was now big enough that she couldn't see her feet if she looked down and she has recently had to purchase new clothes. She was now just over 6 months pregnant.

She continued to work at the video store whilst the baby found fun in kicking her on the hour.

Y/n was behind the counter of the video store whilst Georgie was in the store returning some tapes to the shelves.

"Hey," a girl who looked to be about 18-19 said approaching Georgie, "Which do you recommend?" She asked holding up two movies.

Georgie answered with his usual charm and y/n watched, intriguingly as she laughed loudly and touched his arm.

Y/n felt a hard pressure on her ribs once again, "Do you have to do that?" She asked her baby bump.

"Well, I'll let you know if I like it," the girl said to Georgie putting one of the movies down and approaching y/n at the counter.

"Did you find everything okay?" Y/n asked, rubbing her bump.

"Oh yeah, he's really helpful." The girl said, nodding towards Georgie.

"Isn't he." Y/n agreed, in totally different way though and took the tape from the girl to check it out.

"Thank you, come again." Y/n said politely and the girl nodded and said "I will." Before leaving the store but not without saying a flirty goodbye to Georgie.

"Wow," y/n commented once she left.

"What?" Georgie asked.

"She was totally hitting on you." Y/n said as Georgie walked towards her.

"All she did was rent a movie." Georgie shrugged.

"Yeah, but then laughed and touched your arm. That's text book flirting." Y/n said matter of factly.

"I-I'm sorry I wasn't trying to." Georgie said.

"Georgie, it's fine you can flirt with other girls." Y/n said, not wanting him to get that impression.

"It doesn't feel like I should." He shook his head.

"Well, we're not a couple." Y/n said.

"I know, but we're having a baby together." Georgie said, obviously.

"I'm just telling you, you are allowed to go out with someone else if you like." Y/n shrugged, "you aren't tied down."

"Don't I get a vote?" Georgie asked.

"Yeah," y/n nodded. "But we," she gestured to her belly and herself, "we get two votes, so you're outvoted and you're not tied down."

Georgie gave her an unimpressed look but y/n just smiled.


Y/n didn't see much of Georgie the rest of the day as he worked in the gambling room and the laundromat the rest of the day and didn't come and visit her again.

They were now back in the car together as he drove y/n because she was getting too uncomfortable to drive whilst pregnant and y/n could tell he was in a mood.

"You okay?" She asked, unsurely.

Georgie still frowned and didn't take his eyes off the road, "mhmm." He answered.

"Are you mad at me?" Y/n suggested.

"Why would I be?" Georgie asked.

"Okay." Y/n said, quietly and they fell into silence.

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now