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At the eight month pregnancy mark, y/n was getting majorly uncomfortable and becoming hot to the point she was wearing little clothes, even in winter.

Christmas and new year passed, y/n spent them both with Connie and the Coopers as she hasn't heard from her parents since she yelled at her dad at the Coopers house when he went their behind her back.

At around Christmas time y/n found out it was a girl she was having.

She was going to have a daughter.

She found out when she went to her 6 month check up alone and the Dr told her.

She hadn't told anyone else yet, as Georgie wanted it to be surprise for himself.

It was y/n's first Obgyn appointment of 1993, as it was still late January and her and Connie went, Georgie was planning on meeting them there.

Georgie was running late and y/n and Connie had already been called into Dr Banes room.

Y/n had changed into the gown, seated on the chair with Connie standing beside her and Dr Banes was giving her a check up.

"So, how are you feeling?" Dr Banes asked as he checked her vitals.

"Gross." Y/n answered in a obvious tone making Dr Banes laugh.

"I mean any discomfort? Fatigue?" He went onto ask.

"That's all I'm feeling." Y/n nodded.

"I think what she's saying is she feels 8 months pregnant." Connie chuckled.

"Feels a lot longer than eight." Y/n sighed.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." Georgie said as he entered the room.

"Just a reminder, Doc. I don't wanna know if it's a boy or girl. I want it to be a surprise." Georgie said immediately to the Dr Banes who nodded.

"Hold up, if we're all here who's looking after the laundromat the video store and the...other establishment?" Connie said, discreetly.

"Oh, the the gambling room?" Dr Banes asked and
y/n and Georgie shared a confused look.

"Huh?" Asked Connie her eyes wide.

"It's okay. I lost 100 bucks there last week." Said Dr Banes.

"Oh," Connie chuckled. "Then you know we're good for the bill."

"Anyway," y/n changed the subject and turned to Dr Banes, "Is my baby okay?"

"The baby's fine, but I am concerned about you" Dr Banes nodded.

"What's wrong with me?" Y/n asked.

"Is she gonna be okay? What's wrong?" Georgie asked, concerned.

"Your blood pressure is high." Dr Banes said and y/n nodded, understandingly.

"You think it's preeclampsia?" Georgie asked.

"It's a possibility." Dr Banes turned to him.

"I read the book." Georgie nodded proudly but Dr Banes turned back to y/n.

"I'm gonna put you on bed rest for a week then recheck you." He said.

"Is that necessary?" Y/n asked, frowning.

"It is." Said Dr Banes and Georgie.


Later, that day y/n showered and changed and got into bed for her weeks long bed rest she was going to have to endure.

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now