dear diary, 9/31/15
eventually we all have that time in life where we give up because of school, learning how to ride a bike, work etc. I gave up because a lot of reasons and technically I didn't give up because I'm still alive but I gave up trying. I guess I forgot to introduce myself, I'm paisley, and well I was cursed with something horrible called depression and depression is like cancer but your not physically dying your just mentally dying well I mean I guess your dying because you die a little inside if you have depression but that's not the point, the point is that depression sucks and blah blah blah but there's no way out once u get sucked in so here's how I got sucked in and how I got sucked out.
paisley Steele
broken down and never found
Randoma bully a victim secrets depression loneliness emotions unknown solutions no way out. paisley maddie two different people two different life's two different stories two different endings one alike solution.