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October 16th, 2004

Two pink lines stared back at her as she sat in her bathroom. Positive. She never actually expected the test to be positive, she just decided to do it to ease her mind. But it did the exact opposite. Two months away from fifteen and her life was over.


"Taylor, I called you like three times." Her mom's voice startled her.

The young blonde jumped, the test clattering to the floor. Instead of responding, she stared at the test, watching her life flash in front of her eyes. She had dreams, but they didn't matter anymore. Those two lines cut those dreams down. She couldn't be a musician and have a baby. She was ruined.

Andrea knocked again.

Taylor couldn't help it, she began to sob. She was just a baby. The fear rushed in and she saw it all: carrying the baby, her body changing, giving birth. She felt like passing out. And she really didn't know how to break the news.

The door opened.

"Taylor, honey, what's going on." Andrea carefully entered the room upon hearing her daughter crying. She scanned her daughter, searching for a sign of injury, but found nothing. Then her eyes turned to the room as a whole and her eyes immediately fell on the test.

Her heart stopped as she quickly looked back up at her daughter. How did she even know what that was? How did she know about sex? They hadn't even had the talk. There's no way Taylor could be pregnant. But there was a test.

"Taylor Allison Swift." She began, trying to keep her voice level. "Please tell me that that isn't what I think it is."

Taylor sobbed even harder, unable to look her mother in the eye. "I'm so sorry!" She cried out, head in hands.

Andrea stood still for a second trying to process how her baby could be having a baby. She watched as Taylor sobbed and immediately put aside her own wonderings and anger to be there for her child.

She dropped down to her knees, cradling Taylor in her arms. She couldn't speak, she didn't know what to even say. She just held the young girl and grieved the life she could've lead.

"I'm so sorry." Taylor sniffled, clutching her mom's neck. "I didn't think this could happen."

Andrea's heart broke.

"Taylor, I-"

Taylor wanted to run away. Her mother had been left speechless. She was a horrible daughter. Her mom was going to throw her away. Who wants a slut for a kid?

Andrea never let go of her sobbing daughter. She was at a loss, but she would never stop loving her kids. Never.

"We'll figure it out my love."

Taylor held on tightly, hoping it wouldn't be the last time. She hoped her mom was telling the truth.

Her dad had been furious, but directed all of his anger at her boyfriend, Sam.

Austin had to hold his dad back to keep him from marching out of the house and over to Sam's to beat his ass. In his eyes, he had to pay for what he did to Taylor. He had to pay for ruining her life before it even began.

It was a nice gesture, but it broke Taylor's heart. Deep down, she couldn't shake the feeling that the tiny life in her would never get to know that type of love from their father. All they would have would be Taylor.

January 12th, 2005

Coming back from Christmas break five months pregnant was a horrific experience. She wasn't showing too much and could easily use layers to cover it up, but she still felt all eyes on her. She felt like everyone knew.

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