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I wonder if he knew how many times I've cried over him.
I don't think he does. He never paid much attention to me, even when he swore he was in love with me.
I always paid attention to him, even when I hated him.
He has haunted me for the past 10 months.

Addison Cooper had many best friends in her life. Her first ever was like a sister to her. The girls name was Cassidy Garcia. They first met at cheer, growing closer and closer every practice.

Cheer and dance was an important part in Addison's life.  She remembered every coach. Every movement. She remembers as her coach yelled, "Cassidy! Go into that group!" The girl walked towards Addison, she was the other base. The two little girls started talking about what stunt group they think is going to do the best.

"Hopefully us," Addisons cousin chimed in. Cassidy and Addison both nodded. The girl wrapped her arms around herself, crossing them, filled with boredom.

One coach gathered the flyers and showed them what to do, another coach showed the bases, and the third coach showed the back spots what to do.

"Group 1 first!" The coach yelled. Then group 2. Then group 3. And then their group.

They finished the stunt. They caught the flyer and put her down. Cassidy, the cousin and Addison started jumping up and down like five year olds with candy. They had perfected the stunt.

Addison's brother had a crush on Cassidy. Addies parents thought of Cassidy like a child. Cassidy's parents loved Addison. The two girls would get matching outfits. One was a unicorn onesie they would sleep in every sleepover. When they first bought the onesie, Cassidy and Addison would run around Walmart. They both looked at each other with bright smiles when they spotted the blue and pink unicorn onesies. They ran towards them and grabbed the correct sizes and then ran back to Addies mom.

"Mom, look what Cass and I found!" Addie showed her. "Please let us get these!"

"Please let us get these, Mrs B!"

Her mother nodded with a smile, "put them in the basket."

They would make musicallys all the time. When Cass was sad, Addie was sad. When they were separated, Addie wasnt herself. Cass was her other half. They were inseparable, or so they thought.

Addison quit cheer and the two little happy girls faded apart. They hadn't spoken to each other in days, weeks, months. They text each other Happy birthday, or ask how life is going randomly. It was only three times a year they heard from each other.

Present Time

"Kaia!" I call out as I went up to her at school. "Who's the new kid everyone's talking about? Zhy said that she was in your math and social studies."

"Yep, her name is Abigail." Kaia told me and pointed to the girl with long brown hair talking to a teacher, Zhy by her side laughing.

"Let's go talk to her!" I smile.

"Ugh, I don't know. Zhy has been pissing me off."

"Like always." I say and walk towards the group of people.

"Abigail, this is Addison!" Zhy said. "And Kaia. I was just telling Mrs Broussard about Kingston and I."

"Everyone's already saying Kj has a crush on you, Abigail." Kaia told her.

"Don't being Abigail into your drama." Mrs Broussard warned. My friends said yes and walked away.

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