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Felix pov

The sound of screams made me snap my eyes open, as i sit-up from the floor grabbing my head from the pain. Running towards the hallway i stop in my track eyeing the whole student body running frantically through the halls. Just then the last words i ever thought to hear made my blood run cold.


I gather myself pushing against the crowd.

I have to get to my mate.

rounding the corner, i quicken my pace at the sight of a body on the floor.

Please don't be Madison, dear moon goddess please don't take her from me.

Taking a closer look i sigh in relief as i read the school principal name tag which was the only thing i could have identified, other then that she was unrecognizable.

That monster better not have touched my girl

The sight of her trashed room put my wolf on edge as he frantically paced back and fourth. That bastard must have took her because their was no sign of her blood, but why?. I never really got the chance to tell her how i feel. At this point my wolfs howling in pain and feeling utterly useless.

We will find you baby girl, no matter what.

Madison pov

Making it to my old group home i change back snatching a sheet hanging up from the laundry line and wrap it around myself. Walking up the steps i knock on the door. Moments later liam answer with wide eyes engulfing me in a hug spinning me around.

" who is it " ben says rounding the corner also having the same facial expressions as his brother as our eyes meet.

We are now all in a big bear hug while im completely naked under this sheet.


As if reading my mind the both of them looked me up and down.

" what are you wearing?" they question in unison.

" we'll discuss that later right now i need to speak to ms. King "

The both look at each other questionably and inform me that she is in her office. I open the double door not bothering to knock, as i stride to the desk and slap the picture in-front her.

" why didn't you tell me you were friends with my mother?!."

She grabs the picture and stares at it longingly after what feels like forever she sighs and answers.

" your mother was way more then a friend she was... my sister "

" what?"

" its a long complicated story"

" we'll im pretty sure you can sum it up for your niece" i state rolling my eyes.

She laughs

" its funny how i see so much of her in you. You guys could have probably passed for twins the only different is your mom was a firecracker with set of lungs i tell you that. I swear every-time she sung it was like the heavens themselves came down. Later she fell for a lycan named... lucid "

I gasp, the guy that tried to kill off all super natural life is my father!?

" lucid wasn't always a psycho, sometimes i feel bad for him. his kind wouldn't accept her, wolfs needs pack leaders which mean offspring that your mother couldn't have... or so we thought. The principle, your mom and i were the besties friends we were practically attached to the hip. That was until the day your mom told us she was pregnant. Your principal thought you were an ambition and tried killing you both but when i found her in a pool of her own blood in her final moments she begged me to preform a c section and raise you. thats when killing started by being blinded by the lose of him mate." She finishes

" but what about my wolf"

" considering your father is half wolf i figured the vampire gene was strong since your mom was one . But i guess it took you being marked and pregnant to wake your inner wolf"

" i beg your pardon" i say flabbergasted

I know i been eating one to many cheese burgers and glasses of blood but that... it cant be possible.

" listen " ms king brings her finger to her lips .

As the room feel silent my ears pick up the faintest heart beat in my womb. This just gives me even more of a reason to keep moving and never look back. I thank her as i stare deep into her eyes testing my lycan powers.

" i was never here. You haven't seen me since i left home." hypothesizing her as she repeated word for word.

I go to the boys and do the same. Just by being associated with me...well 'us' is punishable by death and i couldn't live with that . Now i know what your thinking why didn't i just hypnotize Felix instead of  smashing his head and thats an easy one, he deserved it.

" okay little one lets go on a little adventure where no one will find us." I say while placing my hand on my stomach taking off to where ever the wind takes us.

Wow these past weeks have been full of surprises.


We are finally at the end what do you guys think of the book i have so many ideas for the second but I'll definitely like feedback before starting it anyway thanks loves

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