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About an hour had passed and y/n continued to read her books on birthing etc but she couldn't focus on them.

She kept having the urge to call her mother, Mary's words were getting to her.

Y/n sighed and put her book down, and picked up the phone and dialled her number.

She picked up almost instantly. "Hello," Fiona said.

"Hi, mum, it's me." Y/n said casually.

"Y/n? What's wrong?" Fiona asked, confused.

"Nothings wrong, I just wanted to chat." Y/n frowned.

"Are you gonna apologise?" Fiona said in a smug voice.

"For what?!" Y/n said loudly. "I am not apologising to you."

"So, you need money than?" Fiona asked again in a demanding voice.

"No," y/n said, annoyed. "This was a mistake." She said and hung up the phone.

Y/n sighed and put the phone down and put her face in her hands.

Little did she know, Mary had been listening.


The following day, Mary went down to K.J tyres as Georgie told her Fiona is there sometimes.

Mary opened the door and Fiona was at the front desk, alone and the rest of the store was empty. "Hello, Ms Marie, you remember me? Georgie's mum, Mary Cooper." Mary said approaching the desk.

"Yes, I do." Fiona said, even though they hadn't seen each other since the start of y/n's pregnancy, "Hello."

"I don't know what's going on between you and your daughter, but you need to get over it." Mary started calmly.

"She is only seventeen and she's pregnant she's scared and she needs her mother!" Mary started to raise her voice.

"I'm getting parenting advice from a woman who's son got my daughter pregnant?" Fiona said angrily.

Mary heaved. "Yes you are." She said, "yes y/n and Georgie made a huge mistake, but I have not cut him out of my life, like you have your daughter."

"You don't—" Fiona started but Mary cut her off.

"I don't care." She said angrily, "You are her parent. Act like it! So grow up and call your daughter and make it right. Now!"

"Well I need—" Fiona stated again but was cut off by Mary again.

"I said now!" She exclaimed.

"I was gonna say I need the phone number." Fiona said, earning a surprised look from Mary.

"Okay," she said, "Do you have a pen?"


Weeks went on, and y/n was getting close to 9 months pregnant. So she was getting close to the end, and therefore more scared.

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now