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  Summer's POV:

 It's been a week since Mom left. I haven't heard from her. Hopefully, she is still alive. Slowly, I'm starting to forgive her. She never intended to start the zombie apocalypse.

    The door to the bedroom burst open. Lexi skips into the room. Her smile brightens up the room, drawing me out of my stupor. My best friend never fails to cheer me up.

   "You're awake. Great!" She babbles with unveiled excitement. "Hurry up and follow me."

    "Hold on. Let me get dressed first." I grumble.

     Lexi plops down on the foot of my bed and runs her hands over the fluffy duvet. Still tired, I shuffle to the closet, throw on a tank top, and slip on some shorts. It's a surprise Lexi is up already. Based on her bushy appearance, it seems like she's been up for hours already. Usually, I wake up before her.

    After I tie my hair up, Lexi's slim arm hooks onto mine, and she drags me downstairs. At the foot of the stairs, her hands wrap around me from behind and cover my eyes. "What is this?" I giggle.

    "You'll see." I can hear the smirk in her voice.

   Nudging me with her leg, she motions for me to walk forward. Very carefully, she steers me in the direction of the kitchen. Hushed voices go silent as we approach. What the hell is going on?

    "Okay. Three... two... one," Lexi counts down. When she reaches one, her hands disappear from my face.

   "Happy birthday!" Everyone shouts in unison.

    All the guys have broad smiles plastered on their faces. Jungkook is carefully holding a small lavender-colored cake. On top sits two gold candles in the shape of a two. In shock, I step closer to admire the cake.

    With everything that's happened, I had forgotten my birthday. Considering the cake is homemade, the lettering piped on is barely readable. Tears still bloom in my eyes. The thought that went into this is more than I deserve.

     "Don't cry." Hobi tries to console me.

    Laughing a little, I wipe away my tears. "Sorry. I'm just moved by this. It means a lot to me, thank you."

   "Blow out the candles." Jimin urges me as he stares at the cake with hungry eyes.

    I almost giggle at his expression. Deciding to put him out of his misery, I move closer to the cake. Everyone gathers around me. Lexi's hand rubs my back as she waits for me to make my wish.

   Clasping my hands in front of me, I close my eyes. I wish that my mom is alright. If any higher power is listening, please save us. Please save the world. As I silently beg the universe, another tear cascades down my cheek.

   Slowly, I open my eyes and blow out the candles. Everyone around me has solemn faces. Although no one asked what my wish was, I'm sure they already knew. It's the same wish that everyone would make, given the circumstances.

   Jungkook gently sets the cake on the counter while Jin grabs a knife to cut it. As Jin carefully slices into the cake, Jimin and Tae watch him intently. The two are almost drooling in anticipation. Jin does his best to cut the cake into ten equal squares.

   "Birthday girl first," Jin announces as he hands me my plate.

    Waiting for everyone to get their slices before eating, I look at everyone standing around the island. A pang of sadness shoots through my heart. From here on out, my father will never be here for my birthdays. He's gone.

    There's a chance I won't see my mom again, either. This is my first birthday without my parents. I wish they could both be here. If only I could truly enjoy this day.

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