Chapter 9

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♡Karl pov♡

I quickly pushed myself away from Sapnap. I just spoke. I spoke in front of him. I haven't talked in front of another person for 5 years. I put my hand over my mouth as I felt my eyes widen. He stared back at me in shock.

"Y-You just." He stuttered.

I covered my face with my hands as more tears fell. I need to leave. I need to be somewhere else. I removed my face from my hands and got off the bed. I walked to the door, and I heard him following me.

"Karl, wait. Please." He begged.

I opened the door and left the room. I heard him trailing directly behind me. Dream and George were on the couch. They turned around to look at us, clearly confused. Sapnap grabbed my arm. I quickly pulled away from him and headed towards the front door.

"Karl, stop. Just let me talk for one second, please." He begged.

I opened the front door and went out, slamming it behind me.

♡Sapnap pov♡

I stared at the front door that had just been slammed in my face.

"What just happened?" George asked, getting off the couch.

"He-He just -"

I stopped my sentence short and turned to face the other 2.

"He talked." I stated.

Both their mouths dropped open. George's phone buzzed. He got it out.

"It's Karl." He mumbled.

I walked over to the couch so I could see the text.

●Karl: Don't come looking for me. I promise I'm not gonna kill myself. I just need to be alone.

"We need to go find him." I said.

George shook his head.

"No. He doesn't break promises. Trust me. We should just let him have his time. This is probably really overwhelming for him. I already know where he's going. He'll be okay." George explained.

I ran a nervous hand through my hair.

"Sapnap, he doesn't break promises. I swear on my life." He assured me.

♡Karl pov♡

I arrived in the field where I had previously tried to end my life. I went further back, so I couldn't be seen by anyone. I sat on the ground in the area I had drawn George in. I looked at all the pretty flowers. I laid on my back and put my hands over my face.

"You fucked up." I mumbled.

I had dealt with derealization for years. Nature always helped keep me grounded. I could already feel myself returning back to my body. George knows I don't break promises, so hopefully, they wouldn't come looking for me. I'm in no mood to be around people right now.

"Fuck." I cursed softly.

I heard a bag rustle and a small noise. I quickly sat up to look for the source of the sound. There was a plastic bag sitting not too far from where I was lying down. It rustled again. There's something inside. I crawled over and carefully untied the bag. I opened it and frowned.

"Oh no." I mumbled.

There was a small kitten sitting in the plastic bag. It was spring, meaning it was probably cold. Someone had dumped it here, thinking nobody would find the inhumane crime. I reached into the bag and gently scooped the kitten up. It mewed softly. Once it was out of the bag, I got a better look.

Mute. (Karlnap highschool angst.) Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now