Chapter 15

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A staring contest was held between me and the blank notepad. I closed my eyes and groaned. Rubbing my face with my hands out of frustration. The notepad won. Sighing heavily and irritated that I haven't started anything. I could get a lot of work done if I have my laptop and Google but I will still get the same result because of the lack of information about his personal life.

I'm determined to help him and I need a solid plan in saving him. The only question is, how am I suppose to save someone from their doom? It's not like this is an anime show where the girl is reincarnated and became the villainess or the side character where she knows her character's doom and has an idea how to avoid it. She had a heads-up. In this case, James isn't the villainess or the side character, he is the main character of the story. And I, know exactly what's going to happen to him; he doesn't. I can't exactly go up to him and say 'Hey! Remember what I said I'm from the future? Well, it's not bullshit. It's true! Proof? You're going to die two months from now.'

Yeah... that's the worst thing you can come up with. my subconscious snarked while I ignored her. She's not giving me any ideas to help. Also, I feel like there's a timer on top of my head reminding me how much time I have left saving James adding more to my anxiety.

I also can't stop him from drinking because he's an adult and I'm just his boarder. Also, I'm in no place to tell him what to do. They can't even stop him from drinking so how am I any different? I can't also hide his alcohol without causing any conflict. There's a huge probability I would be kicked out and I can't afford that especially with my rescue mission.

I lay my back on the soft mattress and sighed again. My head hurts because of my thoughts running wild on how to save him and the dread feeling of not knowing what to do.

"Are you alright?" I sat up and James stood by the door. His face showing concern. "You've been sighing a few minutes straight. Did something happened?"

"No, nothing happened." I replied and embarrassed he saw me my predicament. "Just thinking about something."

"About what exactly?"

"Oh, nothing important. Don't worry about it. I'm fine." I lied and waved it off to masked my problem.

He didn't look convinced but he reluctantly nodded and let it go. James came beside my bed and handed me a small bag. "If you say so. I bought some doughnuts for you and George. Hope you like them."

I smiled and took the bag from him. "Thank you! Oh, by the way, someone sent you a letter."

My heart skipped a few beats when his lips stretched into a smile. He's handsome even if he's brooding but his features are defined more when he smiles. He looks so gorgeous that it hurts and his girlfriend is a very lucky woman. "Yes, it's from Pops. He always sends me a letter. Asking how I am and work. I know what's inside the letter even without reading it. Same thing every month."

Regardless of knowing the content, I could see the crinkle in his eyes when he smiled. You could see how much he love receiving the letters. My heart warmed when his neighbor became parent figures in his life. They don't have any relation with each other but they treated him like their own. Those kind people made him part of their lives and family.

Then, warmth turned cold as soon as I remembered his death. I gazed onto his features noticing the small details. The light coming from the window shone his face making his eyes glisten like gemstones. His beautiful aquamarine eyes. Without the light, his blue eyes changed color like the deep blue ocean. My favorite are his rare happy moments where his eyes has light itself; radiating warmth like the clear blue sky in a warm sunny day. If you look close enough, you could see the small freckles on his nose area. I recall reading a short story back in grade school. It was about a little girl who often get teased because of her freckles. She hated them until her mother told her the freckles on her skin are actually angel kisses. He has a lot of angel kisses. My fingers itching to brush his angel kisses. There was a faint scar on his forehead and I wonder how he got it. He has a small bump on his nose. His jawline would be every man's dream. Strong and defined. He's so beautiful and it pains me how his life would end.

In A Different Time (Watty's 2024)Where stories live. Discover now