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Long ago, in the extremely mythical Eastern Land known as Japan, there lived a man (or was it a woman?) with a sick hat and even sicker pointy shades named Anime Dude. Anime Dude was the last of the Desu-Sugoi, a race of Demon-Dragon-Angel-Lords that all mysteriously died out 1,000 years ago, until now. Anime Dude had lived his life up in the mountains training in the ways of the sword and farming rice, suppressing all emotion and devoting himself to being the best at everything ever. His infinite well of angst and unfeeling are all part of a tragic backstory that will never be fully explained.

On this day, an ancient Cosmic Event that only happens once ever is happening, and the Celestial Beings of Mount Kawaii have tasked Anime Dude with finding the Sweet Katana of Endless Swagger and Awesomeness, an ancient blade forged long ago by the Ancient Swordsmiths of Mount Otaku in the Flames of Everlasting Sickness out of a tooth from the Eternal Dragon, Girugamesh and cooled in the blood of 1,000 Unworthy Gaijin. In order to accomplish this, Anime Dude knew what he had to do, and he set out with a canteen full of Oriental Tea and a sweet man bag full of Instant Ramen and swords bought off of Amazon.

After months of pointless filler episodes, side characters, and a hot spring ninja ambush, Anime Dude had arrived at his first great trial, THE GIRL GAMER. Anime Dude did not fight... He simply walked up close to her, looked her straight in the eyes, and took off his shades, revealing to her the true extent of his manly beauty. The Girl Gamer was so stunned that she instantly joined him in adventuring and spent the rest of her life chasing after his love, along with the infinite line of other boys and girls behind her. Game Girl, whose name was really Ayatanamanalaka Tonshikaburamanalaka, but nobody had time for that so she was renamed Mei, revealed in a many episode flashback that she was a runaway princess from a land known as America, WHICH IS ALSO IN JAPAN. She ran after her father was killed by the Evil King named Evil King, and was searching for the fabled "Sugoi-Sugoi", an ancient hero spoken of in legends passed down by her ancestors.

Hearing this, Anime Dude shrugged and with no emotion proceeded on, heading with his companions to this... "America" place. After even more many months of pointless travel, with more hotsprings and pointless companions, Anime Dude had made it to the gates of the Evil King, and after nearly falling in battle to the Evil King's #2 General, Anime Dude was saved by a masked man, who was revealed to be his Uncle, but his Uncle died seconds later, nobody saw it coming. Anime Dude once again faced off against the Evil King's #2 General, who was totally revealed to be his brother seconds before he died. And just when it couldn't have gotten worse, General #1 was Anime Dude's father the WHOLE TIME and totally died also.

With his top generals dead, Evil King the Evil King faced off against Anime Dude, and was also his father, (that's right it was a gay couple, what now 4Kids?) and was nearly killed again, but this time was saved by the tragically predictable sacrifice of his best bro, Side Character #1, the one that had been with him ever since Episode 183. This death would not go unavenged, it pushed Anime Dude off the edge and allowed him to ascend EVEN FURTHER BEYOND! Anime Dude had realized his full potential, and wielding the Sweet Katana of Endless Swagger and Awesome that he suddenly had, he morphed into his true form, a Giant-Kawaii-Sugoi-Mecha-Demon-Angel-Dragonzilla, and proceeded to fight his father, who also took a similar form.

They fought to death, IN SPACE, and although it was tough, Anime Dude killed his father, and after putting on the shades of all his dead enemies, he found himself with UNLIMITED POWEEEEEER, and recreated the universe whole in his image, which was basically the same but slightly different, and prosperity reigned for 200 or so episodes until somehow more evil happened and Anime Dude once more once more took up his sword and set out to fight.- Fin

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