Chapter four

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Jackson stood at the base of a giant tree in the middle of no where.

This had been the place , according to Alice's parents , that Alice had first told her sister about wonderland.

It had been about three weeks since he had gotten the case and nothing , absolutely nothing had been found.

He had now been going into leads about wonderland , so here he was.

He examined everywhere around the tree.

Damn it! Nothing but rabbit holes.

He sat down , just looking off into the sunset.

Suddenly he heard a shout.

He sat up and looked back at the base of the tree.

A rabbit hole sat there , about the size of book.

He heard another shout and put his head right inside the hole.

Now he might be a bit more imaginative then ordinary detectives and he would absolutely believe that a shout was coming from inside a rabbit hole.

The shouts grew louder and suddenly the ground he was resting on gave way.

He fell down , down , down.

He saw old tree roots and random floating doors , locks and mice , rabbits and rats , all wearing suits.

Well not the locks , those were attached to doors or just hanging in space.

He couldn't comprehend what was happening till he hit the stone floor.

His first thought was god my head hurts , then he opened his eyes.

He lay their on a tile floor and stared around him.

Doors of all shapes and sizes lined the walls with only a table in the middle of the room.

The floor was white and black checkered tile with random squares of red.

Where was he?

*Alice and the others*

Alice looked up from where she lay against the hatter "what was that?" She asked.

Kitty shook her head "i didn't hear much of anything darling"

Alice stood up and pulled Tarrant up with her "it came from the rabbit hole kitty , I'll just go look ok?"

Tarrant began to laugh softly "well isn't that hilarious sweetheart? , someone's come looking for you? He's of fairy blood as well"

Alice gave him a look "you coming or not?"

He quickly followed her through the door and down the corridors till they came to one big door.

Alice reached out for the door , gun in hand but Tarrant grabbed her waist pulling her back "beware of what lies behind locked doors love , what can find wonderland can also destroy it"

His voice had changed slightly and his accent was now Scottish.
She looked at his eyes and saw red swirling deep in the irises.

Alice kissed her completely insane boyfriend on the cheek then unlocked the door.

She opened the door and stepped into the room and stared at the man who stood in from of her.

"Who the hell are you?" She asked cocking her gun.

Jackson stared at the girl and the man who had just came through the doorway.

The girl was beautiful , with short blond hair and wearing all black.

The man just plain old looked weird , with his top hat and trench coat.

He stared at her "I - i fell , I don't-what-what's going on?"

She stepped forward and poked him with her gun barrel "well you look human , what's your name?"

"Jackson" he said "and what's your name"

She looked at the hatter and he chuckled "me , good sir am called Tarrant hightop , or the hatter , or the mad hatter , which ever you would prefer to speak of me in"

Jackson looked at him , he talked strangely and with no traceable accent.

The girl kept her gun trained on him "I'm Alice , and what I would just love to know is how you got down here"

His eyes widened "your Alice?"

She nodded "yes , we already established that , now why are you here?"

The mad hatter stepped forward "if I may love"

She nodded and stepped back "now" Tarrant said "what is there plus three add pi then subtract two?"

Jackson looked confused "um it's-"

"Never mind that" said Tarrant "what do you get when you cross a cat with a person who will never shut up?"

Jackson only looked more confused "I don't-"

"You get Kitty" he said the he fell down on the floor laughing.

Alice shook her head , smiling "kitty" she yelled through the open door "did you hear that?"

Suddenly in the shadows of the door Kitty appeared "oh yes I heard that Tarrant , Alice could you start to actually interrogate this man?"

Alice was now doubled over laughing right beside Tarrant.

A grumbling rabbit came in to the room "would you all please be quite , this poor man doesn't know what's going on!"

Kitty disappeared and reappeared right next to Jackson "hello their, what's a man like you doing jumping down rabbit holes?"

He took a step away from her and she pouted "I don't think he's a cat lover Alice , let's kill him"

By now Jackson was thoroughly confused.

"Please , someone tell me where the hell I am?" He shouted , freezing the laughter and arguing going on in the room.

Alice stood up and pulled Tarrant up behind her "alright , Jackson was it?"

He nodded.

"Well , you are in wonderland and as soon as we can we're gunna send you back home , it's not the place it used to be here , it's a place you really don't want to be"

Kitty laughed "it was even better when the red queen was ruling huh Alice? Even if she did want to chop off everybody's heads"

Alice laughed "sad to think of that as the good old days"

Kitty disappeared again and re materialized in the open doorway "follow me to your lovely jail cell"

Alice gave her a punch in the shoulder and Kitty disappeared laughing , leaving only a smile on mid air.

The rabbit and the mad hatter left the room and Alice gestured for Jackson to follow "come on jack , we got no time to waist returning you back yeah?"

He nodded and followed her out of the room.

So , according to this girl Alice , he was in wonderland , the strange place his mother and father had been arguing about.

He also had to think of someway to bring Alice back with him , he didn't want to disappear and leave her parents about to have heart attacks.

He would find a way to bring her back.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2015 ⏰

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