⚡Torture ⚡

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she was washing dishes in the kitchen, when her aunt's voice comes, she leaves her utensils unfinished and runs away quickly.
" How long will it take you to wash the dishes Jessica, wash quickly and wipe the broom, also cook the food lazy girl".
Jessica quickly went to the kitchen and started washing her remaining utensils and then after cleaning the kitchen, she wipe broom and then started mopping, While moping, she found a ring under the table which was very beautiful on her count. So she wore that ring on her finger and see that ring was looking very beautiful in her hand. She started taking off the ring, but the ring was not coming off her finger, that ring on her finger was perfectly fit, She tried, again and again, to get off that ring but it still didn't come off her finger, now poor Jessica was very much scared. So, she hid her finger in her scarf then she finished her mopping after her work was done she went to the washbasin and after applying soap, she wished now the ring will come off, yet the ring did not come off. And then her aunt came out of her room she saw her beautiful ring on Jessica's finger then she became very angry she came close to it and took her hand and asked" how dare you wear my ring without my permission take out my ring now''.

''Aunt I am trying but it's not coming out sorry''. Jessica replied to her aunt. Now she was very scared, what will happen to her now? ''I am sorry aunt I made a mistake by wearing this ring of yours without your permission''.

''Now you will be punished for this mistake''. Her aunt said to Jessica and then she went to the dining table and picked up the smallest of the knives that had been placed on it. She started coming towards her with a knife, took Jessica's hand in her hand, and on the finger on which she was wearing the ring she started stabbing her with a knife the whole finger. Jessica started crying because of the pain and her blood started dripping into the washbasin. When her aunt saw her blood, she was very relieved.
" Now if you have made any other mistake then I will give you an even more painful punishment remember this". Then her aunt left.
Then Jessica quickly brought the first aid box and bandaged her finger by applying Dettol. She was in a lot of pain, it was not new for her, and she has been suffering all this torture for a long time. Then she remembered that she has to cook lunch too, so she quickly went to the kitchen to make lunch.

Jessica is an 18-year-old girl who lives with her aunt for 4 years her parents died in an accident. After the death of her parents, her aunt ( Her Father's sister) brought her to her house for 1 year her aunt took great care of her but Then she used to torture her and locked her in a room, and did not give her food for 2 days, made her stop going to school, she could not study further and made her a maid of her house If any mistake was made, it would have given her a very dangerous punishment. Her aunt used to beat her with a stick or tied her with a rope and then used to beat her with a belt. She used to the thought that she too would die in an accident why did she survive wouldn't have had to endure so many tortures if she died with her parents she miss her parents and her beautiful house where she lived as a queen.

that's how Jessica's life went on. Torture and only Torture is in her life. One day she was massaging her aunt and her aunt was looking at the pics on her phone, when suddenly Jessica's father's pic appeared on the phone her aunt got very angry then her aunt pushes Jessica away. She was surprised, at what happened suddenly to her aunt, now she has not done any mistake. Her aunt showed her father's pic she became emotional after seeing her father's pic.
Then her aunt say to her," You know I hate your father so much my husband died because of your father, if your father wanted, he would have saved my husband but he didn't how rude he was".
" Why do you hate my father so much and how did my uncle die because of my father". Jessica asked.
" My husband had blood cancer, when we came to know, it was his last stage, I needed a lot of money. So when I came to your father, he refused to give me money even though your father had a lot of money. I started begging for money from him but he did not give it and I asked for money even after falling at his feet still he did not give money and refused by making excuses that he did not have any money. Then after 2 days, my husband died your father came to his funeral and started saying that one day everyone has to leave the world since then there has been a lot of hatred in my heart for him. Your parents' accident was not caused by anyone else. It was "ME" I had spread the brakes of the car I felt very relieved after the death of your parents". Her aunt told the whole story to her.
Hearing this, Jessica started crying a lot.
" Because of your revenge. Now I am orphaned you have taken your revenge, so why do you torture me?''

''I torture you because when I see you I remember your father you look just like your father''.

'' Then you stop torturing me, you kill me, you will get a lot of relief then I am tired of different tortures every day''.

'' Nice idea I thought I didn't kill you as much fun in torturing I won't have as much fun in killing you, I feel relieved to see you in pain".

Jessica didn't say anything and went out of the room to make lunch.
After making lunch she went to her room and took a scarf and hung it from the fan then she started looking for the stool and found the stool, then placed it on top of the bed and stood on the stool, then hanging from the scarf and removed the stool and she did suicide after a while her aunt started calling her when there was no response, she came to Jessica room and she was surprised to see her.
" Good job dear, this is what I wanted and you have done it, Now you too have gone to your parents and I will not have to see your face anymore goodbye".

The End........

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Thank you.


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