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Sunday arrived, the day of the shower. Georgie had cancelled his date with Amber to watch the football game with his father and y/n's father.

Mary, Connie and Missy had decorated Connie's whole house with pink decorations as she was having a girl.

Y/n got ready and put on a pink dress to match the theme and did her hair and makeup.

"Anybody home?" Y/n heard Georgie yell as he entered the house.

She was currently in the kitchen and walked to meet him by the entrance.

"Hey," she said.

"What's with all the pink?" Georgie asked, looking around.

Y/n panicked for a second, "It's cause I'm a girl." She lied as Georgie didn't want to know the gender.

"Makes sense." He shrugged.

"So, what are you doing here? Is everything okay?" Y/n went onto ask.

"Yeah, fine, it's just everyone is bringing gifts for the baby today, so I wanted to bring one for you." Georgie said, and handed y/n a small box.

Y/n's heart practically melted. "You didn't have to." She said as he handed it to her.

"Yes I did." Georgie smiled, "Open it."

Y/n smiled and unwrapped the gift and opened the box to reveal a gold heart locket.

"Georgie," y/n gasped, "it's beautiful."

"Look inside." Georgie said, still smiling and y/n opened the locket to reveal her ultrasound picture.

"It's the sonogram of our little girl." Georgie said and y/n felt like she could cry.

"I'm not an idiot." Georgie added, gesturing to all the pink.

"This is the sweetest thing someone has ever done for me." Y/n said as she got slight tears in her eyes.

"I love it." She added and hugged him.

Her head rested on his shoulder as Georgie hugged her waist and put one hand on her bump.

Y/n felt the baby move and kick right where Georgie's hand was.

"Whoa," he said, removing his hand and chuckling. "Like I said before, feisty like her mum."

"I can't get over this gift, Georgie." Y/n said, looking back down at it as they pulled away from the hug.

"Thanks, though it was actually Ambers idea." Georgie said.

"Oh," y/n said surprised as her heart broke slightly. "We'll make sure you tell her I love it."

"I will." Georgie nodded. "I'll let you get back to your party." He said, walking towards the door.

"Bye," y/n said, quietly as Georgie stopped and turned back around to look at her.

"You look beautiful, by the way." He said, smiling.

"Thanks," y/n replied in a weak voice again as she was about to cry as Georgie left the house.


"So Fiona, is this your first grandchild?" Brenda, from down the road as the baby shower was getting started.

Y/n didn't know Brenda well, but they had chatted a few times over the last few months and Brenda never judged her which made y/n like her and agreed to invite her to the shower.

"Yep." Fiona said, not happy. "Y/n is my only child."

"You must be excited." Brenda said, politely.

"Sure." Fiona said, not sounding true. "Can't say I'm thrilled that she's still a teenager. But y/n has always been that little bit careless."

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now